1943 – Jan 18, USAAF B-24D flies into Bassett Peak, Galiuro Mts. 43M NE Tucson, AZ–11

Compiled by Wayne Blanchard; last edit 5-17-2024 for upload to: http://www.usdeadlyevents.com/

–11  Baugher, Joseph.  1941 USAAF Serial Numbers (41-6722 to 41-13296).  10-29-2011 rev.

–11  Mireles 2006, Fatal Army AF Aviation Accidents in US 1941-1945, Vol. 1, p. 244.

Narrative Information

Baugher: “Consolidated B-24D-CO Liberator….11887 flew into mountain south of Tucson, AZ Jan 18, 1943, killing all 11 onboard…..Finally located two months after the crash. The official cause of the accident was attributed to pilot error, although the accident report indicated that the tail section was not found in the wreckage (many years later it was found several miles away).  Speculation is that in flight structural failure caused the crash.”  (Baugher, Joseph.  1941 USAAF Serial Numbers (41-6722 to 41-13296).  10-29-2011 revision.)


Mireles: “At 0327 MWT, a Consolidated B-24D crashed into Bassett Peak in the Galiuro Mountains 43 miles northeast of Tucson, Arizona, killing the crew of eleven. The airplane had taken off from Davis-Mountain Field at 0037 MWT on a routine bombing training mission and never returned. The bodies of the crew and the wreckage of the B-24 were found 3-7-43 by a CAP airplane. Ground parties did not reach the airplane until 3-10-43. Examination of the wreckage indicated that the airplane collided with the peak while in full flight with all four engines operating at cruise speed. Killed in the crash were:  [We put names into separate lines.]


2Lt. John L. Wasson, pilot;

2Lt. Charles A. Beaucond, co-pilot;

2Lt. Frederick E. Neal, bombardier;

2Lt. Joseph Ferio, bombardier;

Pvt. Henry C. Peterson, engineer;

SSgt. Robert E. Story, assistant engineer;

Pvt. Murty J. Huckaby, radio operator;

Sgt. Alman L. Porter, assistant radio operator;

Sgt. Stephen A. Safko, gunner;

Sgt. Henry P. Pelletier, gunner;

SSgt. Ernest M. Breier, gunner.”


(Mireles 2006, Fatal Army AF Accidents in US 1941-1945, Vol. 1, p. 243-244.)




Baugher, Joseph F. 1941 USAAF Serial Numbers (41-6722 to 41-13296).  Oct 29, 2011 revision.  Accessed 12-6-2011 at: http://www.joebaugher.com/usaf_serials/1941_2.html


Mireles, Anthony J.  Fatal Army Air Forces Aviation Accidents in the United States, 1941-1945 (Volume 1:  Introduction, January 1941 – June 1943).  Jefferson, NC: McFarland and Co., 2006.