1857 — Nov 19?, schooner Radient (Radiant?), sinks, gale?, Lake Eire, Toledo OH to Oswego NY-10

–10 McNeil. “Radient (Schooner), sunk, 19 Nov 1857.” Maritime History of the Great Lakes.
–10 Swayze. Shipwreck!…Directory of…3,700 Shipwrecks on the Great Lakes. 1992, p. 196.


McNeil: “Radient (Schooner), sunk, 19 Nov 1857.”
“Reason [for loss]: sunk
“Lives [lost] 10
“Hull damage: $10,000
“Freight: wheat
“Remarks: Total loss
“Geographic Coverage: Lake Erie….”

Swayze: “Radiant. Merchant schooner. Lake Erie: All that is known about this wreck is that she was lost on the lake with all ten hands.” (Shipwreck!…Directory of…3,700 Shipwrecks on the Great Lakes. 1992, p. 196.)


Dec 16: “It is now believed beyond a doubt that the schr. Radient, which cleared from Toledo, for Oswego on the 18th. ult. [previous month], and has not been heard since, has gone down with all on board. She probably foundered in the severe gale on Lake Erie which commenced soon after her departure. The Radient was a fine new vessel, but not of the largest class, valued at about $10,000, and insured for $7,500 in the Northwestern. She had on a cargo of wheat, consigned to Rawson & Co., and Ames & Sloan, of this city, which was insured. Among the crew were:

“Capt. Carey, from Clayton, who leaves a wife and 4 children. James Barrett of Oswego [NY], leaves a wife and 2 children. Philander Lee, of Oswego, leaves a wife and 1 child. Adam Plenderieth, of Oswego, leaves a wife and 1 child. – Oswego Pal. [Palladium-Times, NY], Sat.” (Detroit Free Press, 12-16-1857; transcribed by William McNeil in Maritime History of he Great Lakes (webpage).)

Jan 28, 1858: “Radiant Schooner, sailed from Toledo with a cargo of wheat, and has not been heard of since, doubtless foundered in the heavy gale on Lake Erie, with all on board. Property loss $20,000. Ten lives lost.” (Buffalo Commercial Advertiser, NY. “1857 Casualty List.,” 1-28-1858; transcribed by William R. McNeil in Maritime History of the Great Lakes (webpage).)


McNeil, William R. “Radient (Schooner), sunk, 19 Nov 1857.” Maritime History of the Great Lakes (webpage). Accessed 1-8-2021 at: https://images.maritimehistoryofthegreatlakes.ca/41279/data?n=4

Swayze, David D. Shipwreck! A Comprehensive Directory of Over 3,700 Shipwrecks on the Great Lakes. Boyne City, MI: Harbor House Publications, Inc., 1992.