1860 — Tuberculosis (consumption), esp. NY/8199, PA/5011, MA/4845, ME/2169 –49,082

— 49,082  U.S. Census. Mortality Statistics. Year Ending June 1, 1860.  1866, p. 4.[1]

— 49,082  U.S. Census. Ninth Census – Volume II. The Vital Statistics… 1872, p. xvii.[2]

— 48,971  U.S. Census. Preliminary Report on the Eighth Census 1860. Senate, p. 116.


—   596  Alabama.       Census. Mortality Statistics. Year Ending June 1, 1860. 1866, 34.[3]

—   329  Arkansas.      Census. Mortality Statistics. Year Ending June 1, 1860. 1866, 37[4]

—   524  California.     Census. Mortality Statistics…1860. p. 40. Leading cause of death in CA.

–1,269  Connecticut.  Census. Mortality Statistics…1860. p. 10. Leading cause of death in CT.

—   201  Delaware.      Census. Mortality Statistics…1860. p. 23. Leading cause of death in DE.

—   255  District of Col. Census. Mortality Statistics…1860. p. 25. Leading cause of death in DC.

—     97  Florida.          Census. Mortality Statistics. Year Ending June 1, 1860. 1866, 33[5]

—   491  Georgia.        Census. Mortality Statistics. Year Ending June 1, 1860. 1866, 32[6]

–1,948  Illinois.          Census. Mortality Statistics…1860. p. 20. Leading cause of death in IL.

–1,805  Indiana.         Census. Mortality Statistics…1860. p. 19. Leading cause of death in IN.

—   748  Iowa.              Census. Mortality Statistics…1860. p. 21 Leading cause of death in IA.

—   117  Kansas.          Census. Mortality Statistics…1860. p. 21. Leading cause of death in KS.

–1,742  Kentucky.      Census. Mortality Statistics…1860. p. 28. Leading cause of death in KY.

—   842  Louisiana.     Census. Mortality Statistics. Year Ending June 1, 1860. 1866, p. 36.[7]

–2,169  Maine.           Census. Mortality Statistics…1860. p. 5. Leading cause of death in Maine.

–1,197  Maryland.      Census. Mortality Statistics…1860. p. 24. Leading cause of death in MD.

–4,845  Massachusetts. Census. Mortality Statistics…1860. p. 8. Leading cause of death in MA.

–1,187  Michigan.      Census. Mortality Statistics…1860. p. 12. Leading cause of death in MI.

—   151  Minnesota.    Census. Mortality Statistics…1860. p. 14. Leading cause of death in MN.

—   554  Mississippi.   Census. Mortality Statistics. Year Ending June 1, 1860. 1866, 35[8]

–1,302  Missouri.       Census. Mortality Statistics. Year Ending June 1, 1860. 1866, 30[9]

—     28  Nebraska.      Census. Mortality Statistics. Year Ending June 1, 1860. 1866, 15[10]

–1,163  New Hampshire. Census. Mortality Statistics…1860. p. 6. Leading NH cause of death.

–1,350  New Jersey.        Census. Mortality Statistics…1860. p. 16. Leading NJ cause of death.

—     34  New Mexico.      Census. Mortality Statistics. Year Ending June 1, 1860. 1866, 42.

–8,199  New York.          Census. Mortality Statistics…1860. p. 11. Leading NY cause of death.

—   761  North Carolina.  Census. Mortality Statistics. Year Ending June 1, 1860. 1866, 27[11]

–3,495  Ohio.                  Census. Mortality Statistics…1860. p. 18. Leading OH cause of death.

—     30  Oregon.              Census. Mortality Statistics. Year Ending June 1, 1860. 1866, 39[12]

–5,011  Pennsylvania.                 Census. Mortality Statistics…1860. p. 17. Leading cause of PA deaths.

—   567  Rhode Island.     Census. Mortality Statistics…1860. p. 9. Leading cause of RI deaths.

—   390  South Carolina.  Census. Mortality Statistics. Year Ending June 1, 1860. 1866, 31[13]

–1,440  Tennessee.          Census. Mortality Statistics. Year Ending June 1, 1860. 1866, 29[14]

—   420  Texas.                 Census. Mortality Statistics. Year Ending June 1, 1860. 1866, 38[15]

—     18  Utah.                   Census. Mortality Statistics. Year Ending June 1, 1860. 1866, p.43.

—   779  Vermont.            Census. Mortality Statistics…1860. p. 7. Leading cause of VT deaths.

–2,109  Virginia.             Census. Mortality Statistics…1860. p. 26. Leading cause of VA deaths.

—       8  Washington.       Census. Mortality Statistics…1860. p. 41. Leading cause of WA deaths.

—   910  Wisconsin.         Census. Mortality Statistics…1860. p. 13. Leading cause of WI deaths.




United States Bureau of the Census, Department of the Interior. Mortality Statistics. Year Ending June 1, 1860. In: Statistics of The United States (Including Mortality, Property, &c.,) in 1860; Compiled from…The Eighth Census, under the Direction of the Secretary of the Interior. Washington: GPO, 1866. Accessed at: http://www.census.gov/prod/www/decennial.html


United States Census Office, Department of Interior. Ninth Census – Volume II. The Vital Statistics of the United States, Embracing The Tables of Deaths, Births, Sex, and Age. Washington: GPO, 1872. Google digitized at: http://books.google.com/books?id=GssqAAAAMAAJ&printsec=frontcover#v=onepage&q&f=false


United States Census Office, Department of the Interior. Preliminary Report on The Eighth Census, 1860 (Senate, 37th Congress, 2nd Session). Washington: GPO, 1862. Google digitized at: http://books.google.com/books?id=R08UAAAAQAAJ&printsec=frontcover#v=onepage&q&f=false








[1] Labeled as “Consumption.” Was the leading reported cause of death in the “Registration” area in 1860, as well as in all registration States, except as noted below.  (U.S. Bureau of the Census, Dept. Mortality Statistics…1860.

[2] Labeled as “Consumption.” US Census Office. Ninth Census – Volume II. The Vital Statistics of the [US]… 1872.

[3] Fourth leading cause of death for the year behind pneumonia (1,377), typhoid fever (836) and dropsy (597).

[4] Seventh leading cause of death behind pneumonia (1,528), “remittent” fever (599), typhoid (517), scarlet fever (437), “intermittent” fever (394) and cephalitis (378).

[5] Fourth leading cause of death for the year behind pneumonia (190), “dropsy” (115) and “remittent fever” (105).

[6] Fourth leading cause of death for the year behind pneumonia (1,208), typhoid fever (887) and dropsy (611).

[7] Second leading cause of death for the year behind pneumonia with 1,223 deaths.

[8] Fourth leading cause of death for the year behind pneumonia (1,540), typhoid (808) and “remittent fever” (644).

[9] Second leading cause of death for the year behind pneumonia at 1,406.

[10] Third leading cause of death for the year, behind pneumonia with 33  and “unknown” with 41 reported deaths.

[11] Third leading cause of death for the year, behind typhoid fever with 1,009 and pneumonia with 917 deaths.

[12] Second leading reported cause of death for the year behind scarlet fever at 40 deaths.

[13] Third leading cause of death for the year behind pneumonia at 1,074 and dropsy (edema) at 599.

[14] Leading cause of death for the year.

[15] Fourth leading cause of death for the year behind pneumonia (964), typhoid (702), and “remittent” fever (511).