1869 — Sep 8, hurricane/storm, land and sea, two schooners lost, MA, ME, RI       –30-31

Compiled by Wayne Blanchard; last edit 8-16-2024 for upload to: http://www.usdeadlyevents.com/

–30-31  Blanchard tally: Eliza (11); Yankee (11-12); Boston/Chelsea/Marblehead 1 each.; RI (5).

–23  Helen Eliza and Yankee Girl. Procter. Fishermen’s Memorial…Record Book. 1873, p. 88.

–11  Helen Eliza. Perley. “The Gale of Sep. 8, 1869.” Historic Storms of New England. 1891, 331.

–11  Helen Eliza. NY Herald. “Marine Disasters and Loss of Life,” Sep 19, 1869, p. 2.

–11  Helen Eliza. Wreckhunter.netHunting New England Shipwrecks, “Helen Eliza.”

–11  Yankee Girl. Lost At Sea. Gloucester-ma.gov. Accessed 8-16-2024.

—  1  Boston. New York Herald. “Terrific Storm,” Sep 10, 1869, p. 2. [Granville Clark (Perley)]

—  1  Chelsea. New York Herald. “Terrific Storm,” Sep 10, 1869, p. 2.

—  1  Marblehead. New York Herald. “Terrific Storm,” Sep 10, 1869, p. 2. (Also Perley, p. 330.)

—  5[1]  Rhode Island. New York Herald. “Terrific Storm…Rhode Island,” Sep 10, 1869, p. 2.

Narrative Information

Perley. “The Gale of Sep. 8, 1869.” Historic Storms of New England. 1891, pp. 329-331:


“On the afternoon of Wednesday, September 8, 1869, occurred the last violent gale that New England has experienced. In the early part of the afternoon the weather was warm and pleasant, but at about half-past three the wind began to breeze up from the southeast and rain commenced to fall. The wind increased in force until five o’clock, when it blew a hurricane and continued raging until between eight and nine o’clock in the evening. It was accompanied by a heavy fall of rain, which came down in sheets, flooding the streets and greatly refreshing the earth after a long drought. A warm still atmosphere succeeded the wind, and the next day the weather was fine.


“The storm was a very narrow one, being less than fifty miles wide. It passed over Narragansett and Buzard bays in a northerly direction, and when it reached the coast, at Boston, its course changed to the northeast, following  the shore as far as Cape Ann. It then swept across the ocean to the coast of Maine, and was felt but a short distance below Portland. The city of Fall River, Mass., was in the middle of the storm belt, but the extremity of Cape Cod escaped the raging elements, and it was only an ordinary storm at Lowell, Mass., and at Nashua, N.H.


“Great damage was done on both land and water. Telegraph wires, trees, fences and chimneys were blown down in every direction, and a great amount of fruit was destroyed. Many roads were blocked with fallen trees, and several tall factory chimneys were blown to the ground. In Boston, the famous Coliseum building was wrecked, and with it its great organ and big drum. A fatal accident happened at the time it was blown over to Granville M. Clar, who lived near the building. He was just entering his residence when he heard that a person had been injured in the fall of the Coliseum, and he started to go there, but a furious gust of wind tore up the wooden sidewalk on which he was walking, and the timber was hurled against him so violently that his skull was badly fractured, his lips severely cut, and one arm broken. He fell bleeding and insensible, and died shortly after seven o’clock. The beautiful spire of the Hanover street Methodist church was blown down, and several fine church edifices in the city were severely injured.


“In Chelsea, Mass., a tenement block was entirely blown down, and another house was lifted from its foundations. The spire of the First Baptist church in Lynn, one hundred and sixty feet in height, also fell, nearly crushing the western wing of the church.


A house on Marblehead Neck was blown down, injuring two men, one of whom died the next morning. At Salem, John Grover was carried some distance by the wind, and had one of his shoulders broken, In Peabody, Thomas E. Proctor’s large building, two hundred feet long, was blown over, a two-story house was moved from its foundation, and two or three other houses were blown down. At Beverly, two houses and several other buildings were blown over. In Hamilton, the wind blew down Francis Dane’s great barn, which was one hundred feet long.


“The gale was also disastrous on the ocean, vessels dragged their anchors in the harbors and elsewhere, several being driven ashore at Marblehead, Mass., and at Kennebunk, Boothbay, Portland and Orr’s island in Maine. At Gloucester, the scene on the beach was most exciting, wrecks being strewn along the shore. Fortunately there were but few craft in port at the time, else there would have been greater loss. The crews of several vessels were saved by means of the lifeboat, after repeated attempts had failed on account of the fearful power of the sea. A brave crew of seven men volunteered for the hazardous service, and another man risked his life to carry a rope to one of the vessels, by means of which the men were saved. Several other heroic acts were performed at this port during the gale.


“The schooner Helen Eliza, belonging in Rockport, Mass., with a crew of twelve men, Edward J. Millet, master, was near Portland, Maine, when the storm came on, and the captain decided to take refuge in that harbor. They had sailed within sight of Ram island when a thick fog settled over the coast, followed by the rain and wind. Cables broke and sails blew away. The men saw Portland light, and concluded to run to it, but could not make the channel. With anchors gone, in the terrible sea, the hurricane drove them on. Captain Millet stood at the helm till he was killed, it is supposed, by a blow from the main boom. The schooner struck on Peak’s island, smashing in the bow, and instantly killing five of the crew. Having divested himself of all his clothing but his trousers and shirt, Charles Jordan, one of the survivors, ran into the hold, but had scarcely reached it when a tremendous sea tore off the deck, and he was swept into the raging waters. He regained the wreck, and clung to it while he hot his breath and rested. An empty barrel was floating near the vessel, and he swam to it, using it as a support. The waves ran fearfully high, and as he was driven toward the shore he passed two of his shipmates who were clinging to a plank. He was carried in the direction of a rocky bluff, and was almost exhausted in trying to keep the barrel in position, the undertow becoming very powerful as he approached the shore. The waves would heave him toward the ledges, and then bury him in their treacherous waters, but at length he grasped the rocks, and in their crevices he put his fingers, holding on until he could regain strength to drag himself up their steep and jagged sides. He finally reached the top, becoming completely exhausted. He heard one of the men calling, but they were seen no more. Mr. Jordan discovered that he was on a ledge, at some distance from the shore, and after a short time he again plunged into the raging waves to make another struggle in the surf. His strength was fast leaving him, and he apparently made no headway; moments seemed hours; but he finally reached the shore, and drew himself beyond the breakers. It was about nine o’clock in the evening, and after awhile he found a house, whose inmates furnished him with clothing, nourishment and care. He was the only one of the crew that was saved. Four bodies were found, and their funeral was held in the First Congregational church at Rockport on Saturday of the same week.”


Procter: “The saddest disasters of the gale of September 89th, 1969, were the loss of schooners Helen Eliza and Yankee Girl, of Rockport, with all on board – twenty-three men, with one exception, Mr. Charles Jordan, whose narrow escape we publish in this connection [not included here.]


“Schooner Helen Eliza went ashore at the south end of Peak’s Island, Portland Harbor, and went to pieces in a short time.  Had a crew of twelve men….


Schooner Yankee Girl was probably sunk in this gale, as she was never heard of afterward.  Had a crew of eleven men…”  (Procter.  Fishermen’s Memorial and Record Book. 1873, p. 88)


Rappaport and Hernandez-Partagas: “Hurricane 409. New England. 8 Sep 1869. 1 death in MA and ‘all except one man perished’ from schooner Helen Eliza in Maine.” (Rappaport and Hernandez-Partagas. “Appendix 2: Cyclones that many have 25+ deaths,” The Deadliest Atlantic Tropical Cyclones, 1492-1994.) [Cites Snow. Great Storms and Famous Shipwrecks… 1943.]


Wreckhunter.net: Wood construction fishing schooner, rigged with sails. “Ran on rocks and broke up…Southeast side of Peak’s Island, Casco Bay, ME…September 8, 1869…fatalities 11.” 

(Wreckhunter.net.  Hunting New England Shipwrecks, Helen Eliza.)




Sep 9: “From the Boston Advertiser, Sept. 9. — By far the saddest casualty connected with the storm was the sudden and lamented death of Mr. G. M. Clark, which occurred under the following circumstances: Mr. Clark had just returned from Worcester and was about entering his house…when he heard that some one was hurt by the partial falling of the Coliseum. He went out with the benevolent intention of rendering assistance, and had nearly arrived at the Coliseum when a furious gust of wind tore up the wooden sidewalk on which he was walking, and the timber was hurled with such violence against his head that his skull  was badly fractured, his lips severely cut and one of his arms  broken.  He fell immediately bleeding and insensible to the ground. Some persons who witnessed the accident took him to the house of Mr. Blanchard, near at hand. Here his residence was discovered by  means of some papers in his possession, and he was conveyed to his home. He, however, never rallied, but died at about ten minutes past seven. He was thirty-eight years of age, and has left a wife and two children to mourn his loss….


“Chelsea.  A house on Second street, which had been raised recently, was blown down and completely demolished.  A carpenter, named Thomas Brown, who was engaged at work upon the house, was buried in the ruins and instantly killed….


“At Marblehead several summer houses were blown down, and Frank Barrett, of Nashua, N.H., was killed…..


“Rhode Island.  We were visited yesterday afternoon by a fearful gale, which, although of short duration, caused an immense destruction of property and sad loss of life….We fear that the loss of life yesterday was much more serious then in the previous gale [1815]. We have the record of several fatal casualties, and hear of others not yet authenticated….


…. A young girl, aged about fourteen, was thrown down by the gale, on Valley street, Olneyville, and so badly injured that she lived but a few moments afterwards. It is also reported that another young girl was crushed and killed by a tree which fell upon her, and that a man was killed by falling or being blown from a house, both in Olneyville, also; but we were unable to learn the names of either of these parties….


“A boy named Hughes was killed near the Bristol Railroad depot, Fox Point, by a gate of fence being blown down upon him….. John Shehan, a man residing on Fremont street, was struck by a falling chimney and so badly injured that there is little hope of his recovery…. A house of Bellevue avenue, owned by Bellows Brothers and lately erected…was completely demolished. There were four men engaged inside the building when it was blown down.  One of the men, John G. Clark, was crushed by the falling in of the roof and very badly injured in the spine. He can hardly recover….


“Ezra Walker, employed at Horace French’s paint shop, on Benefit street, while attempting to shut a large outside door on the second story of the building, was taken, together with the door, by the wind, hurled into an adjoining yard, and severely, if not fatally injured. He was about thirty-five or forty years of age….


“The Gale in Apponaug and Ease Greenwich [RI]…The storm in this vicinity has been such as the ‘oldest inhabitant’ has not witnessed in his lifetime. Five schooners in Folly Landing are pitched high out on the beach.  Telegraph poles are blown down, trees uprooted, houses demolished, and ruin everywhere. Large trees that have stood for scores of years in the village of Apponaug are leveled.  The waster rose eight feet in the docks at Apponaug and Greenwich in two hours, threatening to wash away all the coal and lumber accumulated there. A large elm, over 200 years old on the plains above Apponaug was torn up from its roots like a weed and a large barn belonging to Marlor’s tavern, is entirely demolished.  An old gentleman, about 65 years of age, named Rice, was killed in his own barn by its being blown down. He lived about two miles below Apponaug, on the road to Pawtucket….” (New York Herald. “Terrific Storm,” Sep 10, 1869, p. 2.)


Sep 9: “Portland, Me., Sept. 9, 1869.  The schooner Helen Eliza, of Gloucester, on a fishing cruise, went ashore on the south end of Peak’s Island last night and went to pieces instantly.  Eleven men were lost….”  (New York  Herald. “Marine Disasters and Loss of Life,” Sep 19, 1869, p. 2.)




Gloucester-ma.gov. Lost At Sea. “Yankee Girl.” Accessed 8-16-2024 at: https://gloucester-ma.gov/DocumentCenter/View/404/LOST-AT-SEAAPR?bidId=


New York Herald. “Marine Disasters and Loss of Life,” Sep 19, 1869, p. 2. Accessed at:  http://www.newspaperarchive.com/FullPagePdfViewer.aspx?img=10722413


New York Herald.  “Terrific Storm,” Sep 10, 1869, p. 2.  Accessed at:  http://www.newspaperarchive.com/FullPagePdfViewer.aspx?img=10722413


Perley, Sidney. Historic Storms of New England. Salem, MA: The Salem Press Publishing and Printing Co., 1891. Google digital preview accessed 10-26-2017 at: https://books.google.com/books?id=Z2kAAAAAMAAJ&printsec=frontcover#v=onepage&q&f=false

And 8-15-2024 at: https://books.google.com/books?id=twkAAAAAMAAJ&printsec=frontcover#v=onepage&q&f=true


Procter, George H. Fishermen’s Memorial and Record Book. Gloucester: Procter Brothers, Publishers, 1873. Digitized by Google at: http://books.google.com/books?id=5ohrOdsFoNkC


Rappaport, Edward N. and Jose Fernandez-Partagas. The Deadliest Atlantic Tropical Cyclones, 1492-1994 (NOAA Technical Memorandum NWS NHC-47). Coral Gables, FL: National Hurricane Center, National Weather Service, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce, January 1995, 42 pages. Accessed 8-20-2017 at:  http://www.nhc.noaa.gov/pdf/NWS-NHC-1995-47.pdf


Snow, Edward Rowe. Great Storms and Shipwrecks of New England. Boston: Yankee Publishing Company, 1943. [P. 251]


Wreckhunter.net.  Hunting New England Shipwrecks, Helen Eliza. Accessed 11-5-2009 at: http://www.wreckhunter.net/DataPages/heleneliza-dat.htm





















[1] Our estimate based upon statements:  “We were visited yesterday afternoon by a fearful gale, which, although of short duration, caused an immense destruction of property and sad loss of life….We fear that the loss of life yesterday was much more serious then in the previous gale [1815].  We have the record of several fatal casualties, and hear of others not yet authenticated.”