1874 — Aug 17-Nov 9, Yellow Fever, Pensacola, Warrington, Woolsey, FL/381; also N.O.–398

–398  Blanchard tally from State breakouts below.


Florida            (381)

–381  Locations noted below.                        Blanchard tally.

–354  Pensacola          Aug 17-Nov 9             Augustin.  History of Yellow Fever, 1909, 458.

–118          “                                                    Sternberg 1908, p. 719.

—  13  Warrington                                           Augustin.  History of Yellow Fever, 1909, 459.

—  14  Woolsey                                                Augustin.  History of Yellow Fever, 1909, 459.


Louisiana       (  17)

–17  New Orleans.      New Orleans Public Library. Yellow Fever Deaths in [N.O.], 1817-1905.





Augustin, George. History of Yellow Fever. New Orleans: Published for the Author by Search & Pfaff Ltd., 1909; General Books reprint, Memphis, TN, 2010. 1909 copy digitized at: http://archive.org/stream/historyofyellowf00auguuoft#page/n4/mode/1up


New Orleans Public Library, Louisiana Division. Yellow Fever Deaths in New Orleans, 1817-1905. Accessed 3-7-2010 at: http://nutrias.org/facts/feverdeaths.htm


Sternberg, George M. (US Public Health Service, US Marine Hospital Service). “Yellow Fever:  History and Geographic Distribution.” Pages 715-722 in Stedman, Thomas L., M.D. (Ed.) Appendix to the Reference Handbook of the Medical Sciences. NY: William Wood & Co., 1908.  Google preview accessed 3-18-2018 at: http://books.google.com/books?id=3ezqX415M5wC&printsec=frontcover&source=gbs_atb#v=onepage&q&f=false