1874 – Nov 22/23, schooner William Sanderson breaks-up, Lake MI storm off Empire, MI–7-10

–7-10 Shelak, Benjamin J. Shipwrecks of Lake Michigan. 2003, p. 198.
–7-10 Swayze, David. Great Lakes Shipwreck Files. “S.” Accessed 12-5-2022.
–7 – 8 Chicago Daily Tribune. “…Loss of the Schooner Sanderson and All on Board.” 12-3-1874, p. 7.
— 8 Cincinnati Commercial, OH. “Schooner Ashore.” 12-4-1874, p. 1.

Narrative Information

Shelak: “William Sanderson…schooner…Sleeping Bear Point [MI, just above Empire, MI]… wheat [cargo]…F/S [foundered/storm?]…7-10 all…11/25/1874.”

Swayze: “William Sanderson

“Other names: none
“Official no.: 26562
“Type at loss: schooner, wood
“Build info: 1856, Goble & Crockett, Oswego, NY
“Specs: 136x25x7, 385g 307n
“Date of loss: 1874, Nov 22 or 23
“Place of loss: off Empire, MI, near Sleeping Bear
“Lake: Michigan
“Type of loss: storm
“Loss of life: 7-10 (all)
“Carrying: 20,000 bu. Wheat
“Detail: She left Chicago the 20th, bound for Oswego. Along the way she
encountered a storm and was broken up offshore. Inquiries were made for
days as to her whereabouts when she didn’t show up at Detroit. Her
wreckage washed up on the 26th with her yawlboat still in the davits, but
no trace was ever found of her crew. Master: Capt. John C. Brown(d).”
“Sources: ssb, hgl, tel, osdo, nb, es, nsp, bb, rp. ”


Dec 3, Chicago Daily Tribune, IL: “….Yesterday the news of another of these lake horrors was received in this city. A letter to Mr. Otto Schoeneman, from Empire Bluff, foot of Lake Michigan, states that the wreck of the schooner William Sanderson came ashore at that point Nov. 26, with no light nor sign on board. The schooner left this city about the 22d with a cargo of wheat for Oswego. There is hardly a doubt that here crew abandoned her during the storm, and found a grave at the bottom of Lake Michigan. Capt. Charles Brown was her master, and he had with him a crew of six or seven sailors. The Sanderson was rated B 2, and was built at Oswego in 1856. She received extensive repairs during the winter of 1873-’74. Ashe was 337 tons burden, and hailed from Detroit….” (Chicago Daily Tribune. “Lake Disasters….Loss of the Schooner Sanderson and All on Board.” 12-3-1874, p. 7.)

Dec 4, Cincinnati Commercial: “Chicago, December 3. – Mail advices from Empire Bluff, at the lower end of Lake Michigan, report the schooner William Sanderson ashore and broken up, her crew, consisting of Captain and seven men, having evidently taken to the boats and abandoned her.” (Cincinnati Commercial, OH. “Schooner Ashore.” 12-4-1874, p. 1.)


Chicago Daily Tribune. “Lake Disasters….Loss of the Schooner Sanderson and All on Board.” 12-3-1874, p. 7. Accessed 12-5-2022 at: https://newspaperarchive.com/chicago-daily-tribune-dec-03-1874-p-7/

Cincinnati Commercial, OH. “Schooner Ashore.” 12-4-1874, p. 1. Accessed 12-5-2022 at: https://newspaperarchive.com/cincinnati-commercial-dec-04-1874-p-1/

Shelak, Benjamin J. Shipwrecks of Lake Michigan. Big Earth Publishing, 2003. Partially digitized by Google. Accessed at: http://books.google.com/books?id=4CBCcye0n6IC

Swayze, David. Great Lakes Shipwreck Files. “S.” Accessed 12-5-2022 at: https://greatlakesrex.wordpress.com/s/