1887 — April 1, ship Eldorado (Seattle to SF, CA) sinks in storm off Cape Flattery, WA– 12

— 12 Gibbs, James A. Shipwrecks off Juan de Fuca. Portland: Binfords & Mort, 1968, p. 216.
— 12 Port Renfrew Online. “Shipwreck Map Guide.” 2011.
— 12 Wright, E. (Ed.). Lewis & Dryden’s Marine History of the Pacific Northwest. 1895, 349.

Narrative Information

Port Renfrew Online: “(Eldorado) An American Ship (1067 tons) foundered off Cape Flattery April 1, 1887. She was commanded by Capt. S.L. Humphreys with a crew of 14. Only 2 survivors were picked up.” (Port Renfrew Online. “Shipwreck Map Guide.” 2011.)

Wright: “The American ship Eldorado, from Seattle for San Francisco, foundered off Cape Flattery, April 1st, leaving but two survivors. She left the Queen City [Seattle] in tow of the tug Tyee, March 29th, with 1,900 tons of coal aboard and the following crew: S. L,. Humphreys, master; Charles Wilson, first mate; Charles Erickson, second mate; Samuel Eehtormann, carpenter; (unknown), steward; Fred Mills, cabin boy; Peter Peterson, John Christiansen, James Scott, Fred Nelson, Charles Hill, James Carlson, Peter Miller and Michael Anderson, seamen. She encountered a terrible southeast gale soon after leaving the cape and sprang a leak April 1st. The pumps were unable to keep her free, and at 8:00 p. M. she laid over and would not recover. While in this position two or three large seas boarded her and sent her to the bottom. The second mate and three seamen, who were on top of the after-house, made a raft on which they floated away from the rest of the wreckage. Erickson and one of the seamen perished from exposure on the second, and Peter Miller and Michael Anderson were picked up soon afterward by the schooner Fannie Dutard, Capt. Dan Farley, and taken to Tacoma. The Eldorado was of 1,076 tons register and fifteen years old. She was owned by A. M. Simpson, William Patterson, H. E. and Thomas Pennell.” (Wright. Lewis & Dryden’s Marine History of the Pacific Northwest. 1895, 349.)


Gibbs, James A. Shipwrecks off Juan de Fuca. Portland, OR: Binfords & Mort, 1968.

Port Renfrew Online. “Shipwreck Map Guide.” Accessed 6-22-2022 at: http://www.portrenfrew.com/wrecks.htm

Wright, E. W. (Ed.). Lewis & Dryden’s Marine History of the Pacific Northwest. Portland, OR: Lewis & Dryden Printing Co., 1895, 349. Digitized by Google. Accessed 6-22-2022 at: http://books.google.com/books?id=seRDAAAAYAAJ&printsec=frontcover#v=onepage&q&f=false