1888 — Sep 6, storm, steamer E.B. Ward Jr., Utilla to New Orleans, sinks, Gulf of Mexico-21

–21 Supervising Inspector-General of Steam Vessels (U.S.). Annual Report…1889. 1889, p. 25.

Blanchard note: This is the only source I have found for this loss, though I have searched through newspaper archives of the time, and have also tried a general internet search. There were no other “hits.” I am always suspicious of one source, even if it is a governmental site. People write governmental records, and people can get things wrong.

Narrative Information

Supervising Inspector-General of Steam Vessels (U.S.), Tenth District: “September 6, 1888. – The steamship E. B. Ward, jr., while on a passage from Utilla to New Orleans, foundered in the Gulf of Mexico during a gale, and twenty-one persons were lost.” (Annual Report of the Supervising Inspector-General of Steam-Vessels…Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 1889. 1889, p. 25.


Supervising Inspector-General of Steam Vessels (U.S.). Annual Report of the Supervising Inspector-General of Steam-Vessels to the Secretary of the Treasury for the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 1889 (Treasury Department Document No. 1251. Steam-boat Inspection, dated 9-27-1889). Washington: Government Printing Office. 1889. Accessed 2-3-2021 at: