1892 — Mar 21, East Jordan Lumber Co. mill No. 2 boiler explosion, East Jordan, MI–7-10

–7-10 Blanchard estimated death toll range.

We know that seven men died when this boiler exploded (six immediately and one more soon afterwards). The Eastern State Journal, NY writes in their chronology of 1892 events that 10 died. We have seen accounts of six and seven deaths, which note that three or four of the injured were not expected to live. We have also seen reporting of another boiler explosion that day resulting in the loss of four lives. We have not been able to “nail down” the death toll, via looking for the names of those believed to be fatally injured in obituaries. We are left with knowing that at least seven men died, and perhaps 8, 9, or ten as was noted in the Eastern State Journal. We choose to show a range of seven definite deaths to a possible ten.

–10 Eastern State Journal, White Plains, NY. “History of 1892.” 12-31-1892, p. 1.
— 7 Sterling Standard, IL. “Blown Into Eternity…Frightful Disaster…East Jordan…” 3-24-1892, 1.
Notes additionally that at least one of the injured “will die.”
— 7 The Locomotive, Vol. XIII, No. 5, May 1892. “Boiler Explosions, March, 1892, p. 71.
Notes John Ringle was so “seriously injured about the head…[that he] will die.”
— 7 Weekly Nevada State. “A Terrible Explosion.” 3-26-1892, p. 1.
— 6 Hillsdale Standard, MI. “Boiler Explosion. East Jordan, Mich.,…Calamity. ” 3-29-1892, 4.
Notes four others were “fatally” wounded and a score more badly injured.

Narrative Information

The Locomotive: “Lumber Mill…The boiler of the East Jordan Lumber Company’s mill No. 2, East Jordan, Mich., blew up on March 21st, instantly killing William Beach, Simon Carney, Peter Sheldon, John C. Brown, Bert Cook, and Emanuel Hunt. Anozi Christy was fatally hurt and died soon afterward. Those dangerously injured are Sanderson Reinhart, badly injured about the limbs; John Ringle, who is seriously injured about the head, and will die; James Smith was seriously, and a score of others also badly injured. The noise of the explosion was heard plainly at Charlevoix, fourteen miles away. S. Pearson, who ran the engine, escaped uninjured. The engineer, who has charge of both mills, was James Pott. He had gone to breakfast, leaving the fireman, John Ringle, in charge. Ringle was in the engine-room at the moment of the explosion, and was too badly injured to be interviewed.” (The Locomotive, Vol. XIII, No. 5, May 1892. “Boiler Explosions, March, 1892, p. 71.)


March 21: “The Accident Happens While the Employes of the Mill Were Waiting for Steam to Raise So They Could Go to Work – Seven Men Killed by the Explosion and a Number of Others Injured —

“East Jordan, March 21. – The boiler of the East Jordan Lumber company’s mill No. 2, known as the ‘Big Red mill,’ blew up at 7:30 o’clock Monday morning [March 21], instantly killing the following [six] persons: [we note the names on single lines, versus original paragraph]

William Beach, aged 18, unmarried;
Simon Carney, aged 26, unmarried;
[Amzi Christy] Weekly Nevada State. “A Terrible Explosion.” 3-26-1892, p. 1.
[John C. Brown] Weekly Nevada State. “A Terrible Explosion.” 3-26-1892, p. 1.
Bert Cook, aged 30, leaves a widow; [also named as Artutus Cook ] Or Albert.
Emanuel Hunt, aged 40, leaves a widow and one child;
Peter Sheldon, aged 22, unmarried; John Brown, aged 20, unmarried.

“The Dangerously Injured.

“Sanderson Reinhard, badly injured about the limbs; John Ringle, seriously injured about the head, will die; Anozi Christy, seriously and recovery doubtful; James Smith seriously injured. In addition a score of other employes were more or less seriously injured. The mill was valued at $10,000 and is a total wreck. The cause of the explosion is still unknown.

“The morning was cold and the men engaged about the mill were in the engine room waiting for steam to come up. The usual pressure of steam had just been reached and part of the men had gone to their posts when the explosion occurred. Those who remained in the engine room were instantly killed. Of the injured Anozi Christi has since died. Joh Ringle had both eyes blown out and cannot live. Sanderson Reinhard is also fatally injured.” (Sterling Standard, IL. “Blown Into Eternity. A Frightful Disaster Occurs at East Jordan, MI.” 3-24-1892, p. 1.)

March 29: “At East Jordan, Monday morning the boiler of the East Jordan Lumber Company’s mill No. 2 exploded, instantly killing six persons, fatally wounding four and badly wounding a score….The cause of the explosion cannot be learned. It is surmised, however, that low water in the boiler is responsible. Many persons were employed, and it is a miracle that the loss of life was so small. The scene was horrible. A man’s leg lay 100 yards from his dead body. Chief Engineer James Potter had gone to breakfast, and John Ringle, the fireman, was left in charge. The steam ran down, the engine was stopped, and when it was started the explosion was instantaneous. A Charlevoix boiler maker who made repairs on the Jordan company’s machinery alleges the boilers were unfit for use. He informed the company that it was impossible to get at the weak spot, and he was far from being satisfied with his job. The Ames & Frost Company of Chicago, and W. H. Porter, resident manager, comprise the East Jordan Lumber Company.” (Hillsdale Standard, MI. “Boiler Explosion. East Jordan, Mich.,… ” 3-29-1892, p. 4.)


Charlevoix County Press (Centennial edition), East Jordan, MI. “Horror!! Explosion At Mill Seven Killed.” Charlevoix County Herald, East Jordan, MI. 7-4-1978, p. 1. Accessed 2-8-2022 at: http://jvdl.info/newspapers/CHARLEVOIX%20COUNTY%20PRESS%201977-04-07%20thru%201991-12-25/1978-07-04.pdf

Eastern State Journal, White Plains, NY. “History of 1892 – The Chronological Record of a Memorable Year….Demons of Destruction.” 12-31-1892, p. 1. Accessed 2-6-2022 at: https://newspaperarchive.com/white-plains-eastern-state-journal-dec-31-1892-p-1/

Hillsdale Standard, MI. “Boiler Explosion. East Jordan, Mich., the scene of a Frightful Calamity.” 3-29-1892, p. 4. Accessed 2-8-2022 at: https://newspaperarchive.com/hillsdale-standard-mar-29-1892-p-4/

Sterling Standard, IL. “Blown Into Eternity. A Frightful Disaster Occurs at East Jordan, MI.” 3-24-1892, p. 1. Accessed 2-7-2022 at: https://newspaperarchive.com/sterling-standard-mar-24-1892-p-3/

The Locomotive, Vol. XIII, No. 5, May 1892. “Boiler Explosions, March, 1892, p. 71. Accessed 2-8-2022 at: https://books.google.com/books?id=hLsSAAAAYAAJ&printsec=frontcover#v=onepage&q&f=false

Weekly Nevada State. “A Terrible Explosion.” 3-26-1892, p. 1. Accessed 2-8-2010 at: https://newspaperarchive.com/weekly-nevada-state-journal-mar-26-1892-p-1/