1900 — Nov 2, Berryburg Coal Mine Explosion, Berryburg, near Philippi, WV — 15

–15  WV Office of Miners’ Health Safety and Training, “WV Mine Disasters 1884 to Present”

–10  Fort Wayne Evening Sentinel, IN. “Ten Miners Die.” 11-3-1900, p. 5.)


Narrative Information


WV Office of Miners’ Health Safety and Training: A powder explosion. (“WV Mine Disasters 1884…”)




Nov 3: “Cincinnati, Ohio, Nov. 3.–A Times-Star special says an explosion today in the Berryburg Coal mine at Phillippi, W.Va., killed thirty-two and injured over 100 men.


Hard To Get News


“Phillipi, W. Va., Nov. 3.–An explosion occurred in one of the mines of the Southern Coal and Transportation company, eight miles from here. There is neither telegraphic nor telephonic communications with the mines.


Few Details


“Detroit, Mich., Nov. 3.–B.F. Berry, of this city, president of the Willis Creek Coal company, received a telegram at noon today from N. O. Gray, manager of the mine at Phillipi, saying:


The fatalities resulting from the explosion here today are probably six. Indications are that the mine is not injured as badly as was at first feared. Dynamite taken into the mine in too large quantities by a shooter is believed to have exploded from the concussion of other shots and caused the accident.


“The Berryburg mine is located about six miles south of Phillipi and about twenty-nine men are employed in its working. A majority of these are negroes, who are married and live in a settlement near the mines.


“T. W. Davis, of this city, the Willis Creek company’s mine inspector, says that it is one of the best equipped soft coal properties in West Virginia….


“President Berry shortly before 2 o’clock received a telephone message from Berryburg saying that ten men were killed and four seriously injured, three of whom will probably die. The mine, however, is damaged very slightly.


“The accident happened at midnight, whom most of the men were out of the mien, and the late advices confirm the statement that it was caused by carelessness on the part of the shooter.” (Fort Wayne Evening Sentinel, IN. “Ten Miners Die.” 11-3-1900, p. 5.)


Nov 3: “Phillippi, W.Va., Nov 3. – “The Berryburg coal mine was blown up this morning… Berryburg is eight miles from here….The mine is owned by the Southern Coal & Transportation company.” (Lincoln Evening News (Neb.). “Thirty-Two Lives Lost in…Explosion,” 11-3-1900.)


Nov 3: “Philippi, West Va., Nov 3.–At 1:30 o’clock this morning a terrific explosion occurred at one of the Southern Coal and Transportation Company’s mines at Berrysburg. Twelve bodies have already been taken from the mine. The explosion was plainly heard in Philippi.


“It is impossible as yet to tell accurately how many lives are lost. This cannot be done until a roll call can be taken. Men are busy removing the dead from the mine, and as at this time it is extremely dangerous, work is slow.


“As the work of removing the dead goes on, things look worse than at first supposed. Four men were brought out during the last hour, and the searchers report that a dozen are yet in the mine. Twenty men are unaccounted for. Few of those brought out are not terribly mutilated beyond description.


“Most of the miners have been here but a few weeks, and as they were almost unknown to each other it is hard to recognize a man when he is found. Most of the men came from North Carolina and the District of Columbia.


“The report of the explosion was so great that two men were found sixty feet from the mouth of the mine. An hour after the explosion hundreds had visited the scene of the disaster. The call for relief brought every physician in Philippi to the scene.


“The sight was a most horrible one. Strewed along the main channel and about the opening were portions of the bodies of the dead miners. Fathers and mothers were frantically hunting for sons, and as fast as a body was recovered those recognizing it would give hysterical screams.


“The hotel has been turned into a hospital, and those still alive when brought out were taken there. Four men are not expected to live till morning.


“There is a great deal of contradictory talk about the cause of the explosion. The authorities refuse to discuss the matter further than to say it was caused by an excessive charge of powder being used. The miners insist that it was caused by fire damp [gas]. The mine was recently inspected and pronounced to be in good condition.


“The engineer in charge of the mine is very reticent. He says that at 9 o’clock a man came out of the mine and told him the electrician had drilled all the holes needed for the night and to shut off the fans.


“Miners say that was the very time the fans were needed, as when the charges were fired it would cause all the smoke and dust to rise. If this was not swept out by the fans it would cause an explosion….


“John W. Green, who was in the mine at the time of the explosion and escaped injury, gives the following account:


I went into the mine at 7:30 o’clock, and went to Room No. 1. I had been at work an hour or so when I smelled black damp. I noticed that my lamp would flicker. I went to the mine boss and told him about it. He laughed and said it was all right. I went back to work, and some time after midnight heard a terrific noise. I was knocked down and my lamp out out. I was stunned for a moment, and then realized what had happened. I was close to the entrance and crawled over the bodies of two men. I think the explosion was caused by black damp.


“The mine is situated about six miles south of here, and about 290 men are employed it it….” (NYT: “Many Killed in Mine Explosion. 11-4-1900.)




Fort Wayne Evening Sentinel, IN. “Ten Miners Die.” 11-3-1900, p. 5. Accessed 11-12-2017 at:  https://newspaperarchive.com/fort-wayne-sentinel-nov-03-1900-p-2/


Lincoln Evening News, NE. “Thirty-Two Lives Lost in Havoc Wrought by a Terrific Mine Explosion,” 11-3-1900.  Accessed at:  http://www.newspaperarchive.com/PdfViewerTags.aspx?img=36619079&firstvisit=true&src=search&currentResult=8


New York Times. “Many Killed in Mine Explosion. Twelve Dead Already Taken from Colliery at Berrysburg [sic], West Va. Twenty Unaccounted For.” 11-4-1900. Accessed 11-12-2017 at: http://query.nytimes.com/mem/archive-free/pdf?res=9906E1D9143DE433A25757C0A9679D946197D6CF


West Virginia Office of Miners’ Health Safety and Training. WV Mine Disasters 1884 to Present. MHS&T, 3-28-2016 update. Accessed 11-12-2017 at: http://www.wvminesafety.org/disaster.htm