1916 — May 9, Steamer Roanoke founders off Point Buchon ~San Luis Obispo, CA — 47

–47 U.S. Dept. of Commerce, Steamboat Inspection Service. Report…Inspec. Gen. 1917, p.915.
–47 Marshall, Don. Oregon Shipwrecks. Portland, OR: Binford & Mort Pubs., 1984, p. 133.
–45 Berman, Bruce D. Encyclopedia of American Shipwrecks. 1972, p. 222.
–41 Oakland Tribune, CA. “Shipwreck One of Worst Since Janeiro’s Loss…” 8-30-1929, D3

Narrative Information

US SIS: “On May 9, 1916, the steamer Roanoke with 2,280 tons of cargo left San Francisco, Cal., for Valparaiso, Chile, and all went well until about 13 miles off Point Buchon, Cal., when the vessel took a heavy roll, causing the cargo, which had not been properly stowed, to shift, allowing the vessel to list over until her main deck rail was under water. Orders were given to jettison the deck load on the starboard side, but before the vessel could be righted she took another heavy roll and went over on her beam ends, foundering in about 30 minutes. Only two of the lifeboats were successfully launched, owing to the heavy sea, the other boat being swamped alongside, and but one of the two boats was picked up, at which time five of the eight occupants had died from cold and exposure. As result of this accident, 47 persons lost their lives.” (U.S. Dept. of Commerce, Steamboat Inspection Service. Report…Inspector General… 1917, p. 915.)


Berman, Bruce D. Encyclopedia of American Shipwrecks. Boston: Mariners Press Inc., 1972.

Marshall, Don. Oregon Shipwrecks. Portland, OR: Binford & Mort Publishing, 1984.

Oakland Tribune, CA. “Shipwreck One of Worst Since Janeiro’s Loss, 1901.” 8-30-1929, D3. At: http://www.newspaperarchive.com/FullPagePdfViewer.aspx?img=105413307

United States Steamboat-Inspection Service. Annual Report of the Supervising Inspector General, Steamboat-Inspection Service to the Secretary of Commerce for the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 1917. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1917, 42 pages. Digitized by Google. Accessed at: http://books.google.com/books?id=KqfNAAAAMAAJ