1920 – Measles, 34 registration states, esp. NY/1,177, PA/1,153, OH/750, IL/496 MI/439 –7,712

—  7,712  Bureau of the Census. Mortality Statistics 1920. DC: GPO, 1922, pp. 214, 216.


AL           3  (A non-registration state. Birmingham, Mobile, Montgomery reported one each.)

CA      220

CO        98

CT       135

DE         36

FL         13

IL        496

IN        348

KS         80

KY      270

LA         43

ME        30

MD        94

MA      355

MI       439

MN      158

MS        18

MO      286

MT        27

NE       121

NH        40

NJ        306

NY   1,177

NC        62

OH      750

OR        30

PA    1,153

RI          69

SC         56

TN       250

UT         16

VT        18

VA        75

WI       234


Narrative Information


“The number of deaths from measles in 1920 is 7,712, or 8.8 per 100,000 population. This is more than twice as high as the rate for 1919, which was the lowest rate from this cause on record in the annual mortality reports, the fist of which was published in 1900.”  (Bureau of the Census, U.S. Department of Commerce. Mortality Statistics 1920 (Twenty-First Annual Report). DC: GPO, 1922, p. 24.)




Bureau of the Census, U.S. Department of Commerce. Mortality Statistics 1920 (Twenty-First Annual Report). Washington, DC: GPO, 1922. Accessed 8-20-2016 at:



[1] Based on death certificate data from 34 “registration states” as well as 17 cites in non-registration states of AL, GA, ND, OK, TX and WV, with an estimated population of 87,45,921 or 82.3% of total estimated U.S. and Hawaii territory population. AK was not a State. Other non-reporting states were AZ, AR, ID, IA, MN, NM, SD, and WY.