1925 — Dysentery, esp. KY/297, WV/213, LA/211, SC/211, TN/207, VA/196, NC/187 — 3,257

–3,257  US Bureau of the Census. Mortality Statistics 1925…Part I.  1927, pp. 88 and 315.[1]


–122                Alabama          Census Bureau. Mortality Statistics 1925…Part I, 1927, p. 315-316

—    ?                Alaska             (not listed)

—    ?                Arizona           (not listed)

—    ?                Arkansas         (not listed)                                                                    

—  91               California        Census Bureau. Mortality Statistics 1925…Part I, 1927, p. 316.

—  34               Colorado         Census Bureau. Mortality Statistics 1925…Part I, 1927, p. 316.

—    9               Connecticut     Census Bureau. Mortality Statistics 1925…Part I, 1927, p. 317.

—    7               Delaware         Census Bureau. Mortality Statistics 1925…Part I, 1927, p. 317.

—    7              District of Co. Census Bureau. Mortality Statistics 1925…Part I, 1927, p. 157.

—  95               Florida             Census Bureau. Mortality Statistics 1925…Part I, 1927, p. 317-318

—    ?                Georgia           (not listed)

—  11               Hawaii             Census. Mortality Statistics 1925…Part I, 1927, Table 5, p. 385.

—    1               Idaho               Census Bureau. Mortality Statistics 1925…Part I, 1927, p. 318.

—  65               Illinois             Census Bureau. Mortality Statistics 1925…Part I, 1927, p. 318.

–105                Indiana                        Census Bureau. Mortality Statistics 1925…Part I, 1927, p. 319.

—  48               Iowa                Census Bureau. Mortality Statistics 1925…Part I, 1927, p. 319.

—  55               Kansas             Census Bureau. Mortality Statistics 1925…Part I, 1927, p. 319.

–297                Kentucky        Census Bureau. Mortality Statistics 1925…Part I, 1927, p. 320.

–211                Louisiana         Census Bureau. Mortality Statistics 1925…Part I, 1927, p. 320-321

—  10               Maine              Census Bureau. Mortality Statistics 1925…Part I, 1927, p. 321.

—  64               Maryland         Census Bureau. Mortality Statistics 1925…Part I, 1927, p. 321-322

—  16               Massachusetts Census Bureau. Mortality Statistics 1925…Part I, 1927, p. 322.

—  59               Michigan         Census Bureau. Mortality Statistics 1925…Part I, 1927, p. 322.

—  32               Minnesota       Census Bureau. Mortality Statistics 1925…Part I, 1927, p. 323.

–158                Mississippi       Census Bureau. Mortality Statistics 1925…Part I, 1927, p. 323.

–171                Missouri          Census Bureau. Mortality Statistics 1925…Part I, 1927, p. 324.

—  13               Montana          Census Bureau. Mortality Statistics 1925…Part I, 1927, p. 324.

—  34               Nebraska         Census Bureau. Mortality Statistics 1925…Part I, 1927, p. 324.

—    ?                Nevada            (not listed)                                                                    

—    1               New Hampshire  Census Bureau. Mortality Statistics 1925…Part I, 1927, p. 325.

—  29               New Jersey      Census Bureau. Mortality Statistics 1925…Part I, 1927, p. 325.

—    ?                New Mexico   (not listed)

—  64               New York       Census Bureau. Mortality Statistics 1925…Part I, 1927, p. 325.

–187                North Carolina   Census Bureau. Mortality Statistics 1925…Part I, 1927, p. 326.

—  13               North Dakota  Census Bureau. Mortality Statistics 1925…Part I, 1927, p. 326.

—  93               Ohio                Census Bureau. Mortality Statistics 1925…Part I, 1927, p. 327.

—    ?                Oklahoma       (not listed)                                                                              

—    4               Oregon                        Census Bureau. Mortality Statistics 1925…Part I, 1927, p. 327.

–119                Pennsylvania   Census Bureau. Mortality Statistics 1925…Part I, 1927, p. 327.

—    4               Rhode Island   Census Bureau. Mortality Statistics 1925…Part I, 1927, p. 328.

–211                South Carolina   Census Bureau. Mortality Statistics 1925…Part I, 1927, p. 328.

—    ?                South Dakota (not listed)

–207                Tennessee        Census Bureau. Mortality Statistics 1925…Part I, 1927, p. 329.

—    ?                Texas               (not listed)

—    5               Utah                Census Bureau. Mortality Statistics 1925…Part I, 1927, p. 329.

—    1               Vermont          Census Bureau. Mortality Statistics 1925…Part I, 1927, p. 330.

–196                Virginia           Census Bureau. Mortality Statistics 1925…Part I, 1927, p. 330.

—  24               Washington     Census Bureau. Mortality Statistics 1925…Part I, 1927, p. 331.

–213                West Virginia  Census Bureau. Mortality Statistics 1925…Part I, 1927, p. 331.

—  50               Wisconsin        Census Bureau. Mortality Statistics 1925…Part I, 1927, p. 331.

—    5               Wyoming        Census Bureau. Mortality Statistics 1925…Part I, 1927, p. 332.


Narrative Information


Dysentery: “An infectious disease of the colon. Symptoms include bloody, mucus-filled diarrhea; abdominal pain; fever; and loss of fluids from the body.” (U.S. National Library of Medicine. “Dysentery.” PubMed Health. Accessed 6-16-2016 at:

https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmedhealth/PMHT0025025/ )





United States Bureau of the Census, Department of Commerce. Mortality Statistics 1925 – Twenty-Sixth Annual Report: Part I, Summary and Rate Tables and General Tables for the Death Registration Area in Continental United States, with Supplemental Statistics for Hawaii and the Virgin Islands. Washington: GPO, 1927. Accessed 11-18-2013 at: http://www.cdc.gov/nchs/data/vsushistorical/mortstatsh_1925.pdf


United States Bureau of the Census, Department of Commerce. Mortality Statistics 1931 (Thirty-Second Annual Report). Washington: GPO, 1935. Accessed 10-24-2013 at: http://www.cdc.gov/nchs/data/vsushistorical/mortstatsh_1931.pdf


United States Census Bureau. Historical National Population Estimates: July 1, 1900 to July 1, 1999. Internet release date: 4-11-2000. Accessed 10-29-2013 at:



United States National Library of Medicine. “Dysentery.” PubMed Health. Accessed 6-16-2016 at: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmedhealth/PMHT0025025/ )





[1] Total death toll for 48 States. Table 10 shows data for 40 states, including DC, wherein there were 3,130 deaths.