1926 – Feb 24, Tornadoes, AR-MS and MS/5, especially near Lake Village, AR/5 — 10
Compiled by Wayne Blanchard; last edit 3-15-2025 for upload to: http://www.usdeadlyevents.com/
–10 AP. “Middle West Tornado Toll Mounts Higher.” Daily Herald, Biloxi, MS. 2-26-1926, p1.
–10 Grazulis. Significant Tornadoes 1680-1991. 1993, p. 495.
–07 Chicot County, AR; Washington County, MS. (Grazulis 1993, 495)
–02 Holmes, Leflore Counties, MS. “
–01 Tallahatchie County, MS. “
Narrative Information
Feb 26, AP: “(By The Associated Press) Memphis, Tenn., Feb. 26. – With restoration of wire service to the areas stricken by a tornado Wednesday night, reports continued to drift into Memphis today telling of the damage caused by the twister, which left in its wake a toll of ten known deaths, 61 persons injured, and a property loss estimated to run into hundreds of thousands of dollars. Of the dead, five were white and five negroes were among the injured.
“The tornado, originating in Chicot county, Arkansas, virtually wiped out the family of Leve Tyson when it struck his house on the C. D. Head plantation on the Bouie River, nine miles south of Lake Village. Tyson, 30, his three daughters, ranging in age from one to five years, were killed, and his wife, Lena, 28, is in a Lake Village hospital not expected to live.
“The twister then centered its fury on the little town of Jennie, four miles south of Lake Village, where a negro girl was killed and ten negroes and a white man injured.
“Crossing into Mississippi, the tornado struck the outskirts of Greenville, killing a negro woman, injuring eleven others, one Mrs. Anna Little, perhaps fatally, and made scores of others homeless when it swept through the residential suburban section of the town, damaging and demolishing houses in its path. Organized relief workers provided shelter for the refugees.
“The tornado swung northeast, passing the border of Greenwood, killing a negro and injuring 18 negroes and a white child. Passing through Cruger the tornado left two negroes dead and five others injured. The little village of Teasdale, Miss., was almost wiped out when all but four of its homes were demolished. The 12-year-old daughter of Mrs. Letta Martin of Teasdale was killed, and one white man injured. Citizens of Charleston are taking care of Teasdale’s homeless.
“Other towns in northeast Mississippi were damaged by the tornado, which spent its fury as it spread northward. High winds and heavy rainstorms in West Tennessee added to the damage.
“Townes reporting dead in injured follow:
Head Plantation, 4 dead; 2 injured. [Chicot County, AR]
Jennie, Ark., one dead; 11 injured.
Cruger, Miss., 2 dead; 5 injured.
Greenville, 1 dead; 11 injured. [Washington County, MS]
Greenwood, one dead; 19 injured. [Leflore County, MS]
Teasdale, one dead; 2 injured. [Tallahatchie County, MS]
Shaw, Miss., 11 injured.”
(AP. “Middle West Tornado Toll Mounts Higher.” Daily Herald, Biloxi, MS. 2-26-1926, p. 1.)
Associated Press. “Middle West Tornado Toll Mounts Higher.” Daily Herald, Biloxi, MS. 2-26-1926, p.1. Accessed 3-15-2025 at:
Grazulis, Thomas P. Significant Tornadoes 1680-1991: A Chronology and Analysis of Events. St. Johnsbury, VE: Environmental Films, 1993, 1,326 pages.