1926 — Nov 1, truck hits street car head-on, hit by following truck, Fire, Dayton, OH — 8
Compiled by Wayne Blanchard; last edit 3-13-2025 for upload to: http://www.usdeadlyevents.com/
— 8 Mansfield News, OH. “Injuries Prove Fatal.” 11-2-1926, p. 1.
— 7 Lancaster Daily Eagle, OH. “Mother and Six Babies Are Victims.” 11-1-1926, p. 1.
— 7 NFPA. “Fires in Which There Was Loss of Life.” Quarterly, Vol. 20, No. 3, Jan 1927, 302
Narrative Information
Lancaster Daily Eagle: “Dayton, O., Nov. 1. – (AP) — A mother and six babies are dead of burns suffered in the wreckage of a truck when the machine collided with an interurban car and another truck early today. Six persons were injured, three possibly fatally. Mrs. Rose Mary Capozzi, 37, William Capozzi, 5; Tony Capozzi, 4; Georgia Capozzi, 3; Joseph Capozzi, Jr., 1; Grace Allo, 3; Bernard Allo, infant….
“The accident occurred when Joseph Capozzi, his entire family and Mrs. Frances Allo and her three children were returning to their home. Capozzi was driving the truck and just ahead was Sam Tripoli, taking his mother-in-law, Mrs. Vitrano, home in his truck. According to police, witnesses said that as the two trucks crossed the Keowes street bridge, Capozzi attempted to pass Tripoli and drove his machine head-on into a Dayton and Troy interurban car in front of the Dayton waterworks pumping station. The car was not damaged. Almost immediately after, witnesses declared, the larger truck driven by Capozzi burst into flames and the smaller one, occupied only by Tripoli and Mrs. Vitrano, caught fire. It was at first believed the gasoline tank on Capozzi’s truck had exploded but parts of a lantern were found in the wreckage and efforts will be made to determine whether or not this was lighted.
“Three of the dead were riding in the closed cab of the Capozzi truck. Tony and Joseph, Jr. were killed instantly. Mrs. Capozzi and William, Georgia Capozzi, Bernard and Grace Allo died at a hospital.” (Lancaster Daily Eagle, OH. “Mother and Six Babies Are Victims.” 11-1-1926, p. 1.)
Mansfield News: “Dayton, Nov. 2 – Death of Mrs. Frances Allo, 37, brought to eight the toll of death in the collision of two trucks and an interurban car here Sunday night. Two of her children and Mrs. Rose Mary Capozzi and four of her children were the other victims.” (Mansfield News, OH. “Injuries Prove Fatal.” 11-2-1926, p. 1. )
NFPA: “Dayton, Ohio, November 1, 1926. A mother and six children died from burns suffered in the wreck of the truck in which they were riding when it collided with a street car and another truck. Six other people were injured., three possibly fatally. The accident happened as the two trucks crossed a bridge. One driver attempted to pass the other and drove his machine head-on into the street car. Almost immediately that truck burst into flames which shortly involved the other one also.” (National Fire Protection Association. “Fires in Which There Was Loss of Life.” Quarterly of the National Fire Protection Association, Vol. 20, No. 3, Jan 1927, p. 302.)
Lancaster Daily Eagle, OH. “Mother and Six Babies Are Victims.” 11-1-1926, p. 1. Accessed at: http://newspaperarchive.com/fullpagepdfviewer?img=5945736&sterm=wreck+truck+fire
Mansfield News, OH. “Injuries Prove Fatal.” 11-2-1926, p. 1. Accessed at: http://newspaperarchive.com/fullpagepdfviewer?img=11284852&sterm=capozzi
National Fire Protection Association. “Fires in Which There Was Loss of Life.” Quarterly of the National Fire Protection Association, Vol. 20, No. 3, Jan 1927, p. 302.