1926 – Nov 26, Tornadoes, Quitman MS/11, Winfield AL/4, York Co. SC/1, VA/1 — 17
Compiled by Wayne Blanchard; last edit 3-11-2025 for upload to: http://www.usdeadlyevents.com/
–17 Blanchard from Grazulis, Thomas. Significant Tornadoes 1680-1991. 1993, p. 805.
–11 MS. Quitman County, especially Marks area. 00:15 F3. Grazulis 1993, p. 805.
— 4 AL. Fayette and Marion counties. 05:30 F3. Grazulis 1993, p. 805.
— 1 SC. Rock Hill area, York County. 16:30 F2 Grazulis 1993, p. 805.
— 1 VA. Portsmouth County. 18:00 F1. Grazulis 1993, p. 805.
Nov 26, UP: “By United Press. Memphis, Tenn., Nov. 26 – Several deaths in Mississippi, reported late today, have brought the list of fatalities in yesterday’s tornado to 56. High winds over the entire section today hampered the rescue work but further damage is not expected. Most of the deaths in Mississippi were of negroes at Marks, where the Smith Plantation was devastated.” (United Press. “56 Known Dead Is Toll Of Series Of Cyclones In Four States Late Thursday; Heber Springs Is Hit Twice And Loses 18; Milita To Guard.” Fayetteville Daily Democrat, AR. 11-26-1926, p. 1.)
Nov 26, AP: “(By The Associated Press) Memphis, Nov. 26….Nine negroes were killed and 13 injured on plantations near Marks, Miss. ….” (Associated Press. “Tornado Kills Sixty-Nine; Arkansas in Storm Center.” Daily Herald, Biloxi, MS. 11-26-1926, p. 1.)
Nov 27, AP: “Rock Hill, S.C., Nov. 26. – (AP) – A company of the South Carolina National Guard was patrolling the streets of Rock Hill business section tonight while the town struggled to repair damage caused by a tornado which, striking here about 4:30 o’clock this afternoon, cut a swath of ruin through Main street and the southeast portion of the city. While no reports of serious injuries are confirmed, Mrs. H.J. Sherver, of Sharon, 22 miles from here, is reported to have been seriously hurt in the wreckage of her home, and an unidentified negro here was said to have suffered a fractured skull….
“The Lyle Hospital was partly unroofed, and some of the patients partly exposed to wind and rain….The town was in darkness early tonight and wire communications with the surrounding country badly demoralized….
“Norfolk, Va., Nov. 26. – (AP) – Two persons were killed, three others were injured and considerable property damage was done by a freak storm that swept over this section between 5:30 and 6:30 o’clock tonight. High winds, that in one small area, where the casualty and chief property damage occurred, took the form of a tornado or waterspout and a severe electrical disturbance accompanied the storm. Several homes were damaged by lightning or wind and streets and roads were flooded. The two men killed were caught in the wreckage of two 700 foot long warehouses of the Southgate Forwarding and Storage Company on the southern bank of the Elizabeth river near Portsmouth. They were A. J. Evans and E. H. Butler, both watchmen. Butler died after being taken to a hospital and Evans body still was under the debris of the razed buildings late tonight. The three other victims were said not to have been dangerously injured.” (Associated Press. “Tornado Dips Down At Rockhill Much Property Damage. Piedmont Towns Visited By Hail and High Winds.” Morning News Review, Florence, DC. 11-27-1926, p. 1.)
Associated Press. “Tornado Dips Down At Rockhill Much Property Damage. Piedmont Towns Visited By Hail and High Winds.” Morning News Review, Florence, DC. 11-27-1926, p. 1. Accessed 3-11-2025 at: https://newspaperarchive.com/florence-morning-news-review-nov-27-1926-p-1/
Associated Press. “Tornado Kills Sixty-Nine; Arkansas in Storm Center.” Daily Herald, Biloxi, MS. 11-26-1926, p. 1. Accessed 3-11-2025 at:
Grazulis, Thomas P. Significant Tornadoes 1680-1991: A Chronology and Analysis of Events. St. Johnsbury, VE: Environmental Films, 1993, 1,326 pages.
United Press. “56 Known Dead Is Toll Of Series Of Cyclones In Four States Late Thursday; Heber Springs Is Hit Twice And Loses 18; Milita To Guard.” Fayetteville Daily Democrat, AR. 11-26-1926, p. 1. Accessed 3-11-2025 at: