1927 — Apr 8, Gloucester, MA fishing schooner Commonwealth burns, Nova Sco. coast–  12

Compiled by Wayne Blanchard; last edit 2-26-2025 for upload to: http://www.usdeadlyevents.com/

—  12  Lowell Sun, MA.  “12 Member of Bay State Fishing Crew Are Missing.” 4-11-1927, p.32.

—  12  Sheedy, R.  “The CommonwealthOut of Gloucester. [URL has more information.]

Narrative Information

April 11: “Halifax, April 11, (AP) – A wide search of the sea was under way today for 12 members of the crew of the Gloucester fishing schooner Commonwealth, forced to lifeboats last Friday when their vessel burned to the water’s edge in a raging gale off the Nova Scotia coast.  Capt. Frank Watts and eight members of the crew of the Commonwealth on reaching Shelburne last night aboard the schooner Isabel Parker, described how the storm-tossed dories became separated in a driving blizzard shortly after they left their doomed craft….”  (Lowell Sun, MA.  “12 Member of Bay State Fishing Crew Are Missing.” 4-11-1927, p.32.)


Sheedy: Men lost:


Bert Moulton, Newfoundland
Richard Harding, Everett
Lindley I. McComiskey, Gloucester
Henry Lee, Newfoundland
J. Meuse, Argyle, N. S.
Edward Mason, Everett
James Leary, Newfoundland
Sumner Corkum, Gloucester
Leo Powers, Newfoundland
William Enos, Newfoundland
Dennis Surette, Yarmouth
Thomas Christopher, Newfoundland




Lowell Sun, MA. “12 Member of Bay State Fishing Crew [Commonwealth] Are Missing.” 4-11-1927, p. 32. At:  http://www.newspaperarchive.com/FullPagePdfViewer.aspx?img=56374810


Sheedy, R. “The Commonwealth.Out of Gloucester. Accessed 7-22-2011 at:  http://www.downtosea.com/1901-1925/commonwe.htm