1927 – April 18, Tornadoes TX/5 deaths and OK/10, especially Choctaw Co., OK — 15
Compiled by Wayne Blanchard; last edit 2-27-2025 for upload to: http://www.usdeadlyevents.com/
–15 Grazulis. Significant Tornadoes 1680-1991. 1993, p. 808.
Grazulis: “TX Apr 18, 1927 19:30 2k [killed] 15inj 200y 7m F2 Frio [County]”
–2 one mile west of Bigfoot.
Grazulis: “TX Apr 18, 1927 22:00 2k 5inj 70y 15m F2 Williamson/Bell [counties]”
Grazulis: “TX-OK Apr 18, 1927 23:30 11k 72 inj 800y 20m F4 Lamar, TX /Choctaw, OK”
— 1 Lamar County
–10 Choctaw County
Oklahoma (10-11)
–11 National Weather Svc., Norman, OK Weather Forecast Office. “Choctaw County, OK…”
–10 Grazulis. Significant Tornadoes 1680-1991. 1993, p. 808.
— 7 Ervin area, Choctaw County. Jim Brewer and his family of six.
— 1 Fort Towson area, Choctaw County. Bryant Williams.
— 1 Hugo area, Choctaw County. Frank Williams, 18.
Texas (5)
–5 Grazulis. Significant Tornadoes 1680-1991. 1993, p. 808.
–1 Arthur City, Lamar County. Robert Craven.
–1 Big Foot area, Frio County. Noperto Bueno, 22.
–1 Granger area (6M NW of), Williamson County. Mrs. Fannie McCutcheon, 80.
Narrative Information
NWS, Norman, OK WFO. “Choctaw County, OK Tornadoes (1875-Present).”
“04/18/1927…15:30…20 [path length (miles)]…880 [path width (yards)]…11 [killed]…12 [injured] Choctaw [County]…Neat Sawyer and Fort Towson [path].”
Apr 19, AP: “Dallas, April 19. – (AP)….Early today a tornado struck the picturesque old river port, Arthur City, on Red river, destroyed more than half of its 30 buildings and killed one man, injuring 12 persons. Robert Craven was willed. The injured were taken to Paris, Texas, 15 miles south and placed in a hospital. Some of them are reported in serious condition. One store, a gin, gasoline station and 12 residences were demolished it was reported…” (Associated Press. “Tornado Swept Red River Port of Arthur City.” Daily Ardmoreite, Ardmore, OK. 4-19-1927, p1.)
Apr 19, AP: “Granger, April 19. – An aged woman was killed, another perhaps fatally injured, and four others seriously hurt in tornado which struck six miles northwest of here last night. Mrs. Fannie McCutcheon, 80, was killed outright.” (Associated Press. “Tornado Hits Granger on Monday Night.” Bryan Daily Eagle, TX. 4-19-1927, p. 1.)
Apr 19, AP: “Hugo [OK], April 19. – (AP) – Frank Williams, 18 was killed by a tornado which struck the southeastern part of Choctaw county about midnight last night. Several persons were reported to have been injured…It is believed that the twister was the same one that hit Arthur City, Texas.” (Associated Press. “One Killed in Oklahoma.” Daily Ardmoreite, Ardmore, OK. 4-19-1927, p. 1.)
Apr 20, Ada Evening News, OK: “Oklahoma City, April 20….Oklahoma’s most recent tornado entered the state from Lamar county, Texas after one woman was reported to have been killed at Granger, Texas, and a man killed at Arthur City, Texas.
“About seven miles southeast of Hugo, near Ervin, Jim Brewer and his family of six fell victims of the storm which demolished their home. Racing onward, the wind took Bryant Williams’ life near Fort Towson.
“At least 50 persons were injured in Choctaw county and sixty houses destroyed. The property loss was estimated at approximately $500,000.
“Dallas, Texas, April 20, Texas was recovering today from a ten-day siege of tornadoes, rains and windstorms…the death of another victim, came belated reports from the range sections in Frio county, near Big Foot, that Noperto Bueno, 22, was killed and nine persons injured in a tornado Monday night.” (Ada Evening News, OK. “Oklahoma Counts Its Toll of Dead.” 4-20-1927, p. 1.)
Ada Evening News, OK. “Oklahoma Counts Its Toll of Dead.” 4-20-1927, p. 1. Accessed 2-27-2025 at: https://newspaperarchive.com/ada-evening-news-apr-20-1927-p-1/
Associated Press. “One Killed in Oklahoma.” Daily Ardmoreite, Ardmore, OK. 4-19-1927, p. 1. Accessed 2-27-2025: https://newspaperarchive.com/ardmore-daily-ardmoreite-apr-19-1927-p-1/
Associated Press. “Tornado Hits Granger on Monday Night.” Bryan Daily Eagle, TX. 4-19-1927, p. 1. Accessed 2-27-2025 at: https://newspaperarchive.com/bryan-daily-eagle-apr-19-1927-p-1/
Associated Press. “Tornado Swept Red River Port of Arthur City.” Daily Ardmoreite, Ardmore, OK. 4-19-1927, p. 1. Accessed 2-27-2025 at:
Grazulis, Thomas P. Significant Tornadoes 1680-1991: A Chronology and Analysis of Events. St. Johnsbury, VE: Environmental Films, 1993, 1,326 pages.
National Weather Service, Norman, OK Weather Forecast Office. “Choctaw County, OK Tornadoes (1875-Present).” Accessed 2-27-2025 at: