1930 — Nov 18, Heavy Rain, Flooding, Kalihi Stream in Honolulu, Hawaii — 14
Compiled by Wayne Blanchard; last edit 1-25-2025 for upload to: http://www.usdeadlyevents.com/
–14 Honolulu Board of Water Supply. West Honolulu Watershed Study. May 2003, B-18.
–12 Schmitt, Robert C. Catastrophic Mortality in Hawaii. 2-2-2009, p. 68.
–10 Nevada State Journal, Reno. “Ten Bodies Found in Hawaii Flood.” 11-20-1930, p. 1.
Narrative Information
Honolulu Board of Water Supply. West Honolulu Watershed Study. May 2003, B-18:
“The most destructive flood of Kalihi Stream occurred on November 18, 1930, when a discharge of 12,400 cfs was recorded. Fourteen persons were killed in the flood, 100 families were evacuated, and property damages were estimated at $240,000.” B-18
Schmitt: “A heavy rainstorm flooded Kalihi in Honolulu on November 18, 1930 and resulted in 12 deaths.”[1] (Schmitt, Robert C. Catastrophic Mortality in Hawaii. 2-2-2009, p. 68.)
Nov 19, AP: “Honolulu, Nov. 19 – (AP) – With ten bodies recovered and at least 20 reported missing, the death list lengthened today as workers searched debris piled by the flood which swept northern Honolulu late yesterday. Most of those drowned were Orientals. Others were Hawaiians and Portuguese. Among the dead and missing were many children. Japanese mothers said the children were swept from their homes before they were able to remove them to safety.
“Property damages by the sudden torrent from the mountains was estimated at $150,000 by the Honolulu engineering department. The entire island of Oahu was drenched with rain, three inches falling within a few hours.” (Nevada State Journal, Reno. “Ten Bodies Found in Hawaii Flood.” 11-20-1930, p. 1.)
Honolulu Board of Water Supply, Department of Land and Natural Resources, Engineering Division, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Honolulu District (Prepared by: Townscape, Inc. and Eugene P. Dashiell). West Honolulu Watershed Study (Final Report). Appendix B, May 2003. Accessed 1-25-2025 at: https://www.boardofwatersupply.com/bws/media/files/watershed-study-west-honolulu-appendix-b.pdf
Nevada State Journal, Reno. “Ten Bodies Found in Hawaii Flood.” 11-20-1930, 1. Accessed 9-21-2012 at: http://newspaperarchive.com/FullPagePdfViewer.aspx?img=13687428
Schmitt, Robert C. Catastrophic Mortality in Hawaii. 2-2-2009, 86 pages. Accessed 9-20-2012 at: Catastrophic Mortality in Hawaii – eVols – University of Hawaii. Accessed 1-25-2025 at:
[1] Cites: Honolulu Star Bulletin, Nov. 19, 1930, p. 1; Honolulu Star Bulletin, Nov. 24, 1930, p. 8.