1931 — Measles, esp.  children, esp. PA/442, IL/357, MO/272, NY/250, KY/191            –3,576

— 3,576  U.S. Bureau of the Census. Mortality Statistics 1931. Washington: 1935, p. 167.[1]

— 172  AL       U.S. Bureau of the Census. Mortality Statistics 1931. Washington: 1935, p. 171.

— 140  AZ                   “          p. 177.

—   27  AR                   “          p. 181.

— 124  CA                   “          p. 187.             —   20  NH  Census Bureau. Mortality 1931,   p. 300.

—   50  CO                   “          p. 194.             — 101  NJ                    “                      “            p. 303.

—   38  CT                   “          p. 198.             —   41  NM                  “                      “            p. 307.

—   20  DE                   “          p. 202.             — 250  NY                  “                      “            p. 311.

—   13 DC                   “          p. 206.             — 113  NC                   “                      “            p. 316.

—   35  FL                   “          p. 211.             —     9  ND                  “                      “            p. 322.

—   67  GA                  “          p. 217.             — 153  OH                  “                      “            p. 326.

—   37 HI                    “          p. 470.             —   32  OK                  “                      “            p. 330.

—   10  ID                    “          p. 223.             —     8  OR                   “                      “            p. 336.

— 357  IL                    “          p. 227.             — 442  PA                   “                      “            p. 340

— 184  IN                    “          p. 231.             —   10  RI                    “                      “            p. 345.

—     7  IA                    “          p. 235.             —   41  SC                   “                      “            p. 349.

—   10  KS                   “          p. 240.             —     2  SD                   “                      “            p. 355.

— 191  KY                  “          p. 244.             — 110  TN                   “                      “            p. 359

—   21 LA                   “          p. 250.             —     ?  TX  (the only non-registration Census State)

—   22  ME                  “          p. 256.             —   20  El Paso, TX. Census. Mortality…1931. 435.

—   97  MD                  “          p. 260.             —     1  Houston, TX.   “                      “            p. 436.

—   65  MA                  “          p. 266.             —     1  UT                   “                      “            p. 366.

—   32  MI                   “          p. 270.             —     5  VT                   “                      “            p. 369.

—     7  MN                  “          p. 275.             —     5  VT                   “                      “            p. 369.

—     9  MS                   “          p. 279.             —   87  VA                  “                      “            p. 373.

— 272  MO                  “          p. 285.             —   35  WA                 “                      “            p. 380.

—     3 MT                  “          p. 289.             —   44  WV                 “                      “            p. 384.

—     6  NE                   “          p. 292.             —   42  WI                   “                      “            p. 388

—     5  NV                   “          p. 296              —     1  WY                 “                      “            p. 392.


Table 10. Causes of Death, by Month of Occurrence [Census. Mortality, p. 441)

Jan       Feb      Mar     Apr      May     June     July     Aug     Sep      Oct            Nov     Dec

282      502      702      681      634      375      141      53       41       32       54            79


Narrative Information


U.S. Census: “A total of 3,576 persons died from measles in 1931. The death rate (3.0) was lower than the rate for 1930 (3.2) [1920 death rate was 8.8]. Nineteen States had increases, two of these (Arizona, 31.6 and New Mexico, 9.6) reaching high levels. Of the 93 cities of 100,000 population or more, 18 cities had no deaths… El Paso (19.0) and Louisville (14.3) had the highest rates.” (U.S. Census 1931, p. 17.)

[1] U.S. Bureau of the Census, Department of Commerce. Mortality Statistics 1931 (Thirty-Second Annual Report). Washington: GPO, 1935. Accessed 10-24-2013: http://www.cdc.gov/nchs/data/vsushistorical/mortstatsh_1931.pdf