1933 — May 10, Tornado, Overton and Pickett counties, esp. Beaty Swamps (33), TN —     35

Compiled by Wayne Blanchard; last edit 12-29-2024 for upload to: http://www.usdeadlyevents.com/

Blanchard note: See May 9 for document on Kentucky tornado with 36 deaths.

–35  Overton and Picket counties, esp. “Beatty Swamps,” 00:15, F4. Grazulis 1993, p. 851.

            –33  Beatty Swamps

            —  2  Locale not noted

–35  Overton County. NWS Nashville TN WFO. “Beatty Swamps Tornado of May 10, 1933.”

            –33  Beatty Swamps

            —  2  Locale not noted

–28  Assoc. Press. “Tornadoes Bring Deaths to 61.” The Kingsport Times, TN. 5-10-1933, p. 1.

–26  Beaty Swamps, Overton County, near Livingston, TN.

                        –9  Mr. and Mrs. Una Cole and their seven children.

—  2  Livingston area. 

Narrative Information

National Weather Service: “Shortly after midnight on May 10, 1933 an F4 tornado touched down in northern Overton County. It moved for 20 miles from near Livingston to near Byrdstown. Thirty-three of the 35 deaths were in Beatty Swamps, 6 miles north of Livingston. The half-mile wide funnel destroyed every home in the community, and killed or injured virtually every resident. Much of the area was swept clean of debris. Damage totaled $100,000. There were 150 injuries. (According to the family of Ewing Hull, the air after suppertime was very quiet, although stifling for May. The Hull cabin was blown away that night, and the family woke up on the ground.) This is the deadliest tornado ever to strike Middle Tennessee.” (National Weather Service, Nashville, TN Weather Forecast Office. “Beatty Swamps Tornado of May 10, 1933.”)




May 10, AP: “Kentucky Has 33 Dead, Tennessee 28 After Storms Lash Border Counties During Night; Scores Reported Hurt.


“By the Associated Press. Tornadoes along the border of Tennessee and Kentucky last night brought reports of death to sixty-one persons and injuries to scores of other persons. Kentucky so far had reports of thirty-three dead and Tennessee 28. They were:


In Kentucky

Monroe county….11

Adair county……. 2

Russell county….26

In Tennessee

Overton county…26

Wilson county….  2


“Beaty Swamps, in Overton county near Livingston, Tenn., was hard hit with 26 known dead. Twelve bodies had been brought from that section to Livingston, among them being those of Mr. and Mrs. Una Cole and their seven children….


“Near Lebanon, about 50 miles distant, two…lost their lives….


“The storm was reported to have swept the village of Bethsaida, on the Overton-Pickett county line in Tennessee, but all communication lines were down and the extend of the damage could not be determined….


“A situation of utter desolation in the vicinity of Beaty Swamps was reported by C. C. Gore, a Livingston attorney, who described the country as swept so clean of houses and trees that ‘it looks like the Argonne Forest.’ One residence was entirely blown away, except for part of the chimney, he said, and a wheat binder was carried half a mile. Mud blocked the country roads and trees strewn along the highways made traffic almost impossible, he said. There was no way to estimate the number of injured, Gore said. Some were hurt so seriously that they could not be removed from their wrecked homes.


“First word of the tornado reached Livingston shortly after daylight and immediately all available citizens rushed to the storm-swept area to render aid. Several entire families perished, including the Cole family of nine persons….All doctors in Livingston and Byrdstown rushed to the stricken area to care for the injured.” (Associated Press. “Tornadoes Bring Deaths to 61.” The Kingsport Times, TN. 5-10-1933, p. 1.)


May 11, AP: “(By The Associated Press)….The Red Cross revised death list contained names of the following victims at Beaty Swamps: [We alphabetize 19 names in single lines.]


Miller Allred

Hewey Beaty

Mr. and Mrs. Una Cole and their seven children

Edgar Hopkins

Barbara Hopkins, baby daughter of Edgar Hopkins

Mrs. Ambrose King

Miss Epsie King

Mrs. Bob Lacy

Marshal Philips

Ray Reagan

Mrs. George Reeser.”


(Associated Press. “Spring Tornadoes in South…57 Known Dead in Cumberland [Valley] Area…” The Kingsport Times, 5-11-1933, p. 1.)




Associated Press. “Spring Tornadoes in South…57 Known Dead in Cumberland [Valley] Area…” The Kingsport Times, 5-11-1933, p. 1. Accessed 12-30 2024 at: https://newspaperarchive.com/kingsport-times-may-11-1933-p-1/


Associated Press. “Tornadoes Bring Deaths to 61.” The Kingsport Times, TN. 5-10-1933, p. 1. Accessed 12-30-2024 at: https://newspaperarchive.com/kingsport-times-may-10-1933-p-1/


Grazulis, Thomas P. Significant Tornadoes 1680-1991: A Chronology and Analysis of Events. St. Johnsbury, VE: Environmental Films, 1993, 1,326 pages.


National Weather Service, Nashville, TN Weather Forecast Office. “Beatty Swamps Tornado of May 10, 1933.” Accessed 12-30-2024 at: https://www.weather.gov/ohx/beattyswampstornado