1936 — July 18, Train hits car/9 occupants, crossing at Dundee, near Ann Arbor, MI — 9

–9  AP. “Nine Members of 2 Families Killed in Crossing Accident.” Ironwood Daily Globe, MI, 7-18-1936, p. 1.


Narrative Information


July 18: “Dundee, Mich., July 18–(AP)–Nine members of two Pennsylvania families were killed today when the sedan in which they were riding was truck by an Ann Arbor passenger train a few minutes after they left the home where they had been visiting. The locomotive smashed into the automobile, dragged it 75 feet to a high trestle, and hurled the bodies of the victims 30 feet into the shallow water of the Raisin river. Wreckage of the automobile burst into flames, and ignited ties of the bridge, but the fire was quickly extinguished.


“The victims were identified as Mr. and Mrs. Harry Schuster, and their daughters, Vina, 19, Anna 12, and Sandra Jean, 6 months old, and Mr. and Mrs. Sam Pisano, and their daughters, Betty, 9 and Mary 6. The Schusters lived in Farrell, Pa., and the Pisano family in Wheatland.[1] The two families had stayed over night with Shuster’s brother…Mrs. Pisano and Mrs. Harry Schuster were sisters.


“The northbound train, operating between Toledo and Ann Arbor, smashed into the car at high speed, witnesses said. The crossing is guarded by signal lights, but the view to the south is obscured by buildings. There is a sharp rise in the highway (M-50) as it reaches the crossing….[A witness] said the warning signal was in operation….[2]


“The crossing is in the east part of Dundee. The crash occurred less than 10 minutes after the two families had left Carl Schuster’s home.


“Members of the train crew said the train was travelling about 45 miles an hour when the crash occurred. The train traveled about half a mile before it could be brought to a halt. It was backed up and crew members tested the signal light and said it was functioning properly….


“Harry Schuster was a welder employed at a steel concern in Sharon. Both he and Mrs. Schuster were 45 years of age. Pisano was 50 and his wife 48.” (Associated Press. “Nine Members of 2 Families Killed in Crossing Accident.” Ironwood Daily Globe, MI, 7-18-1936, p. 1.)




Associated Press. “9 People Killed as Train Hits Car.” The Escanaba Daily Press, MI, 7-19-1936, p. 1. Accessed 3-1-2019 at: https://newspaperarchive.com/escanaba-daily-press-jul-19-1936-p-1/


Associated Press. “Nine Members of 2 Families Killed in Crossing Accident.” Ironwood Daily Globe, MI, 7-18-1936, p. 1. Accessed 3-1-2019 at: https://newspaperarchive.com/daily-globe-jul-18-1936-p-1/

[1] Farrell and Wheatland are both in Mercer County.

[2] Additionally, another AP article cites a witness as stating that “she heard the train’s whistle, and saw the big sedan approaching the crossing. ‘I thought they were going to stop, but they didn’t,’ she said.” (Associated Press. “9 People Killed as Train Hits Car.” The Escanaba Daily Press, MI, 7-19-1936, p. 1.)