1936 — Nov 24, L Train rear-ended by North Shore Line Interurban, Chicago, IL — 10
Compiled by Wayne Blanchard; last edit 11-19-2024 for upload to: http://www.usdeadlyevents.com/
–10 Hanzell. “Loop Tragedy…Second…Crash…13 Months,” Chicago Tribune, Feb 5, 1977.
–10 Hazucha, A. “Chicago on the Brink: Media Trauma and the 1977 L-Train Crash.” P. 269.
–10 Wikipedia. “List of Rail Accidents (Pre-1950).”
Narrative Information
Hanzell: “On Nov. 24, 1936, 10 persons were killed and 234 injured on the Howard Street line when a Chicago, North Shore & Milwaukee Railroad interurban train smashed into the rear of a rapid-transit train at the Granville Avenue station.” (Hanzell. “Loop Tragedy…Second…Crash …13 Months,” Chicago Tribune, Feb 5, 1977.)
Hazucha: “A November 24, 1936 crash at the Granville Street station…left ten people dead and 234 injured.” (Hazucha, A. “Chicago on the Brink: Media Trauma and the 1977 L-Train Crash.” Pp. 269-270.)
Wikipedia: “November 24, 1936 – Chicago, Illinois: A North Shore Line interurban rear-ends a Chicago L train at Granville Avenue. Though the crash was at slow speed, steel cars on the L crushed wood cars coupled between them. 10 killed, 59 injured.” (Wikipedia. “List of Rail Accidents (Pre-1950).”)
Hanzell, Wesley. “Loop Tragedy Was Second Major Crash In 13 Months,” Chicago Tribune, February 5, 1977. Accessed at: http://www.chicago-l.org/articles/1977crash2.html
Hazucha, Andrew. “Chicago on the Brink: Media Trauma and the 1977 L-Train Crash.” Chapter 9, pp. 247-276 in: Biel, Steven (Ed.). American Disasters. New York: New York University Press, 2001.
Wikipedia. “List of Rail Accidents (Pre-1950).” Accessed at: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_pre-1950_rail_accidents