1937 — Jan 26, Rescue Barge Capsizes during Ohio Flooding, Paducah, KY — 14

–14  AP. “Rescue Barge Capsizes in Paducah, KY., 14…Drown,” Hamilton Journal, OH, 1-26-1937, p1.

–14  Clay/USACE. A Century on the Mississippi: A History of the Memphis District. 1986, p. 152.


Narrative Information


Clay/USACE: “”Fourteen people were drowned at Paducah when a rescue barge capsized in the flood water.” (1986, p. 152.)


Jan 26: “Paducah, Ky., Jan. 26….Red Cross officials announced 14 persons were drowned with the capsizing of a rescue barge coursing the city’s streets. Names of the victims were not available. Survivors swam to nearby buildings.” (Associated Press.  “Rescue Barge Capsizes in Paducah, KY., 14 Persons Drown,” Hamilton Daily News Journal, OH, 1-26-1937, p. 1.)




Associated Press.  “Rescue Barge Capsizes in Paducah, KY., 14 Persons Drown,” Hamilton Daily News Journal, OH, 1-26-1937, p. 1. Accessed 10-1-2019 at: https://newspaperarchive.com/hamilton-daily-news-journal-jan-26-1937-p-1/


Clay, Floyd M., U. S. Army Corps of Engineers Memphis District. A Century on the Mississippi: A History of the Memphis District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers 1876-1981. USACE, June 1986. Accessed 10-25-2019 at: https://books.google.com/books?id=h6OCPvWdNHgC&printsec=frontcover#v=onepage&q&f=true