1937 — June 26, Automobiles collide head-on, west of Erick, OK                 —       6



Compiled by Wayne Blanchard; last edit 11-15-2024 for upload to: http://www.usdeadlyevents.com/


— 6  Ada Weekly News, OK. “Thirteen Violent Deaths in State.” 7-1-1937, p. 3.

— 6  Daily Ardmoreite, OK. “Six Persons Die in Wreck West of Erick.” 6-28-1937, p. 3.


Narrative Information


June 28:  “By The Associated Press…. Six young persons died in a motor crash west of Erick, late Saturday night [June 26]. They were Opal Hammons, 20; Laverne Avant, 19, and Alfred Eugene Harmon, 24, of Erick; Herbert Wayne Copeland Jr., 16, and E. L. Bartlett, 20, of Texola, and Lonnie Wendell Copeland, 16, of near Shamrock, Texas.” (Daily Ardmoreite, OK. “Six Persons Die in Wreck West of Erick.” 6-28-1937, p. 3.)


July 1:  “By The Associated Press.  Thirteen Oklahomans were killed over the weekend in automobile crashes, drownings and other accidents.  Six young persons died in a motor crash west of Erick, Okla., late Saturday night. They were Opal Hammonds, 20; Laverne, Avant, 9, and Alfred Eugene Harmon, 24, of Erick; Herbert Wayne Copeland jr., 16, and E. L. Bartlett, 20, of Texola, and Lonnie Wendell Copeland, 16, of near Shamrock, Tex.  Harmon was traveling alone in his car. The others were riding in a car reported driven by Bartlett….”  (Ada Weekly News, OK. “Thirteen Violent Deaths in State.” 7-1-1937, p. 3.)




Ada Weekly News, OK. “Thirteen Violent Deaths in State.” 7-1-1937, p. 3. Accessed at: http://newspaperarchive.com/fullpagepdfviewer?img=48768004&sterm=erick


Daily Ardmoreite, Ardmore, OK. “Six Persons Die in Wreck West of Erick.” 6-28-1937, p. 3. Accessed at: http://newspaperarchive.com/fullpagepdfviewer?img=206994084&sterm=erick