1938 — April 7, Cloudburst, Flash Flooding, Whitestone, GA                                     —     13

Compiled by Wayne Blanchard; last edit 11-6-2024 for upload to: http://www.usdeadlyevents.com/

–13  AP. “42 Deaths from Spring Storms in the Nation.” Thomasville Times-Enterprise, GA. 4-9-1938,1.

–13  AP. “Tornadoes and Floods Sweep Southland.” Thomasville Times-Enterprise, GA. 4-8-1938, p. 1.

 Narrative Information

April 8, AP: “By the Associated Press). Tornadoes and floods, twin menaces of the spring, claimed 26 lives overnight in the south and caused widespread property damage. Twisters killed 13 at Aliceville, Ala., yesterday [we treat in separate document] and scores were injured in Alabama, Mississippi and Georgia.


“Swollen by a cloudburst, a mountain creek swept away 13 persons with a combination general store and home at the northwest Georgia village of Whitestone last night. Four bodies were recovered today. Rescuers said there was ‘not a chance in a thousand’ that any of the others escaped the flood which caught them in their sleep. Whitestone victims were the ten members of the family of F. B. Conner, Carl Lindsey, 22, who lived with them, and two visiting children who lived across the creek, Thelma and Bonnie Ponder….


“Washouts hampered highway travel and ditched 18 cars of a Louisville and Nashville freight train near Fairmount, Ga…..” (Associated Press. “Tornadoes and Floods Sweep Southland.” Thomasville Times-Enterprise, GA. 4-8-1938, p. 1.)


April 9, AP: “(By the Associated Press)….Forty-two deaths were attributed to the spring storms which lashed virtually the entire area east of the Rockies. Thirteen persons were killed by an Alabama tornado and as many died with a cloudburst washed away a store building in Georgia….


“Atlanta, April 9. (AP) – Swollen Georgia rivers poured their burdens seaward today as Meteorologist George W. Mindling of the U.S. weather bureau announced relief in prospect from the heavy rains of this week. The state counted 13 dead in the high waters, all at Whitestone, where a mountain torrent washed away a store building….” (Associated Press. “42 Deaths From Spring Storms In The Nation.” Thomasville Times-Enterprise, GA. 4-9-1938, p. 1.)




Associated Press. “42 Deaths From Spring Storms In The Nation.” Thomasville Times-Enterprise, GA. 4-9-1938, p. 1. Accessed 11-6-2024 at: https://newspaperarchive.com/thomasville-times-enterprise-apr-09-1938-p-1/


Associated Press. “Tornadoes and Floods Sweep Southland.” Thomasville Times-Enterprise, GA. 4-8-1938, p. 1. Accessed 11-6-2024 at:
