1938 — June 10, F5 Tornado, Clyde and nearby vicinity, TX — 14
Compiled by Wayne Blanchard; last edit 11-4-2024 for upload to: http://www.usdeadlyevents.com/
–14 Abilene Reporter News, TX. “Clyde Tornado Toll Rises to 14.” 6-13-1938, p. 1.
–14 Grazulis. Significant Tornadoes 1680-1991. 1993, pp. 438 and 879.
Narrative Information
Grazulis: “TX Jun 10, 1938 19:39 14k [killed] 40inj 300y 12m F5 Callahan [county]….”
June 10, Abeline Reporter-News: “Clyde, June 11. – People of this town, joined by neighbors of surrounding communities turned this morning to organized relief of more than 73 persons made homeless by a tornado at nightfall yesterday. There were 12 known dead and eight critically injured….Twenty-three homes were known to be destroyed. In them resided at least 73 persons….
“The dead: [We rearrange into alphabetical order.]
Mrs. Lula Bonner, about 75, who lived with the Grahams.
William Dane DeSpain, 6, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ward DeSpain…
Mrs. J. B. Easterling, about 60, who lived a mile northwest of town.
Emmett Graham, about 55, who lived in the west edge of Clyde.
Mrs. Miriam Graham, about 55, wife of Emmett Graham.
James Harris Johnson, 18, brother of Mrs. Rutledge.
Melvin Kniffen, 20-year-old farm youth.
Mrs. Margaret Ross, 35, whose body was identified at Laughter Funeral home in Abilene
Alice Marie Rutledge, 28, wife of Jess Rutledge.
Jess Rutledge, 30, a young farmer whose home was 3½ miles northwest of Clyde.
- E. Sullivan, about 65, whose home was near that of the Grahams.
An unidentified transient man, whose body was found in a box car of a texas and Pacific freight train….”
(Abilene Reporter News. “Clyde Aids Twister Homeless. 12…Dead, 8 Critically Injured.” 6-11-1938, 1.)
June 13, Abilene Reporter News, TX: “Toll of the Clyde tornado rose to 14 with the deaths last night of Mrs. J. H. Baxter, 75, and T. W. Briscoe, principal of schools at Clyde, at the Hendrick Memorial hospital….” (Abilene Reporter News, TX. “Clyde Tornado Toll Rises to 14.” 6-13-1938, p. 1.)
Abilene Reporter News, TX. “Clyde Aids Twister Homeless. 12 Known Dead, 8 Critically Injured.” 6-11-1938, p. 1. Accessed 11-4-2024 at:
Abilene Reporter News, TX. “Clyde Tornado Toll Rises to 14.” 6-13-1938, p. 1. Accessed 11-4-2024 at: https://newspaperarchive.com/abilene-reporter-news-jun-13-1938-p-1/
Grazulis, Thomas P. Significant Tornadoes 1680-1991: A Chronology and Analysis of Events. St. Johnsbury, VE: Environmental Films, 1993, 1,326 pages.