1939 — April 16, Tornadoes, TX (6), AR (33) and LA (8)                             —     47

Compiled by Wayne Blanchard; last edit 10-28-2024 for upload to: http://www.usdeadlyevents.com/

—  47  Blanchard tally based on State breakouts below.

–>47  UP. “Tornadoes Claim at Least 47 Lives.” Blytheville Courier News, AR. 4-17-1939, p. 1.

—  45  Grazulis.  Significant Tornadoes 1680-1991. 1993, pp. 242, 883-884,

Arkansas        (33)

–01  Grazulis. “14:00 1k 2 inj 2m F2 Miller/Lafayette [counties].” Woman’s home near Red River.[1]

–27  Grazulis. “14:40  27k  62inj  400y 22m  F4  Drew [county].”

            –11  Center Point area church

            —  9  On a plantation [no identifying locale noted].

–01  Grazulis. “15:30 1k 7inj 200y 10m F3  Cleveland [county].” Man killed in home at Calmer.

–04  Grazulis. “16:00  4k  23inj 200y  F2  Jefferson [county].”

            –2  Bayou Bartholomew

            –2  Unidentified plantations.

–19  Center Point community near Collins.[2]

            –13  Center Point country church. (“…the pastor and at least 12 of his flock.”)[3]

                        –1  Rev. Thomas West, 52, at the church.[4]

–1  Elbert Hart.[5]

–5  Virgil Phillips, 34, wife, children Adrian, 16, Merrell, 14, Bonnie Jean, 10.[6]

            –4  Grazulis. Homes in the area.

—  1  Tillar. Mrs. J. A. Gabbie.[7]

Louisiana       (  8)

–8  Grazulis. “13:55  8k  50inj  200y  5m  F4. Claiborne [county].” “Dawson subdivision”.[8]

–8  Haynesville.[9]

–7  Haynesville residential and business area.[10]

            –1  Dewey Bolin, 17.

–1  Mrs. Bolin.

–1  Mrs. Wren Braden, 47

            –1  Dennis Carter

–1  Pat Norton.

–1  Mrs. W. M. Rigdon.

–1  E. H. Steizig


Texas              (  6)

–6  AP. “Five Southern States Hit By Weekend Storm.” Northwest Arkansas Times, 4-17-1939, 1.

            –3  Pipe Creek (Felix Clay, Henry Steelman, 59, and Frank M. Steelman, 11-months)

            –2  Gladewater (Steve Chartless, 55, and Henry Clay Hasking, 43.)

            –1  Athens (Mrs. Hubert H. Skinner, 27)[11]

–4  Grazulis.  Significant Tornadoes 1680-1991. 1993, pp, 883-884,

–2  “15:30  2k  4inj  300y  2m  F2. Navarro [county].” Home ~Richland blown apart.[12]

–1  “06:05  1k  4 inj  100y  8m  F3. Henderson [county].” Woman near Athens.[13]

–1  “11:30  1k  48inj  300y  5m  F2. Bowie [county].” Texarkana area.[14]



April 17, AP: “Tornadoes ripped into five southern states, killed more than 42 persons, injured more than 250 and caused weekend damage estimated at hundreds of thousands of dollars. Searchers picking their way through wind-torn debris in Texas, Oklahoma, Louisiana, Arkansas and Alabama slowly raised the death toll through early Monday darkness. Greatest toll was counted at the small cattle-raising community of Center Point, near Collins, Ark., where at least 19 persons were killed.


“Rain of near-cloudburst proportions accompanied the winds in Arkansas, where a dozen communities were struck. The mud it left made rescue work precariously slippery. Flood warnings were issued for the Ouachita and Petit Jean rivers.


“In Louisiana, seven persons were killed when a twister whipped at Haynesville residential and business property, leveling a score of homes and tearing away portions of a brick power plant.


“Texas counted six deaths – three at Pipe Creek, two at Gladewater and one at Athens.


“One persons was killed at Tillar, Ark., yesterday and in northwest Oklahoma early Saturday seven persons died when a tornado struck Capron and its vicinity. Every building at Capron was wrecked….


“At  least one woman was killed and two persons injured near Boligee, in western Alabama early today. Several houses were leveled and some damage done to stores in the Boligee business section….” (Associated Press. “Five Southern States Hit By Weekend Storm.” Northwest Arkansas Times, 4-17-1939, p. 1.)




Associated Press. “Five Southern States Hit By Weekend Storm.” Northwest Arkansas Times, 4-17-1939, p. 1. Accessed 10-29-2024 at:



Grazulis, Thomas P. Significant Tornadoes 1680-1991: A Chronology and Analysis of Events. St. Johnsbury, VE: Environmental Films, 1993, 1,326 pages.


United Press. “Thirteen Die When Storm Strikes Rural Church Near Dermott.” Blytheville Courier News, AR. 4-17-1939, 1. Accessed 10-29-2024 at: https://newspaperarchive.com/blytheville-courier-news-apr-17-1939-p-1/


United Press. “Tornadoes Claim at Least 47 Lives.” Blytheville Courier News, AR. 4-17-1939, p. 1. Accessed 10-29-2024 at: https://newspaperarchive.com/blytheville-courier-news-apr-17-1939-p-1/



[1] Grazulis, Thomas P. Significant Tornadoes 1680-1991: A Chronology and Analysis of Events. 1993, p. 833.

[2] Associated Press. “Five Southern States Hit By Weekend Storm.” Northwest Arkansas Times, 4-17-1939, p. 1.

[3] UP. “Thirteen Die When Storm Strikes Rural Church Near Dermott.” Blytheville Courier News, AR. 4-17-1939, 1.

[4] Associated Press. “Five Southern States Hit By Weekend Storm.” Northwest Arkansas Times, 4-17-1939, p. 1.

[5] UP. “Thirteen Die When Storm Strikes Rural Church Near Dermott.” Blytheville Courier News, AR. 4-17-1939, 1.

[6] UP. “Thirteen Die When Storm Strikes Rural Church Near Dermott.” Blytheville Courier News, AR. 4-17-1939, 1.

[7] UP. “Thirteen Die When Storm Strikes Rural Church Near Dermott.” Blytheville Courier News, AR. 4-17-1939, 1.

[8] Grazulis, Thomas P. Significant Tornadoes 1680-1991: A Chronology and Analysis of Events. 1993, p. 833.

[9] UP. “Thirteen Die When Storm Strikes Rural Church Near Dermott.” Blytheville Courier News, AR. 4-17-1939, 1.

[10] Associated Press. “Five Southern States Hit By Weekend Storm.” Northwest Arkansas Times, 4-17-1939, p. 1.

[11] UP. “Thirteen Die When Storm Strikes Rural Church ~Dermott.” Blytheville Courier News, AR. 4-17-1939, 1.

[12] Grazulis, Thomas P. Significant Tornadoes 1680-1991: A Chronology and Analysis of Events. 1993, p. 833.

[13] Grazulis, Thomas P. Significant Tornadoes 1680-1991: A Chronology and Analysis of Events. 1993, p. 833.

[14] Grazulis, Thomas P. Significant Tornadoes 1680-1991: A Chronology and Analysis of Events. 1993, p. 833.