1940 – Aug 27, Bates No. 2 Coal Mine Gas Explosion, Bares, Arkansas — 10
Compiled by Wayne Blanchard; last edit 10-15-2024 for upload to: http://www.usdeadlyevents.com/
–10 Cole. History of Mine Safety and Health Administration. “Leadership…Course,” slide 39.
–10 US Bureau of Mines. Report. August 27, 1940; Bates No. 2 Mine, Bates, Ark., 10 Killed.
Narrative Information
US Bureau of Mines. Report. August 27, 1940; Bates No. 2 Mine, Bates, Ark., 10 Killed:
“The mine had been operated by various leasers for years, and at this time a longwall method was being used. About 5:35 p. m. the 10 men in the mine on night shift were killed by an explosion; 7 in the 2d east died in their places; 3 from the west longwall traveled 600 feet before being overcome. Heat was evident in most of the open sections below the overcast on the main slope. The mine is damp, and 6 feet of clay is brushed along the floor of the entries so that dust entered into the explosion only to a limited extent. Damage to the mine was minor, some wooden brattices and props being knocked out. The bodies were recovered in fresh air without help.
“Gas from feeders cut by a cutting machine at the face of 2d east entry was ignited by an arc caused by shutting off the machine or by the flame of a match (fig, 105, p.155). The mine was known to be gassy, but open-type machines were used, and shots were fired with fuse after the shift was out. Smoking materials and matches were found on some of the victims.”
Cole, Jesse P. (MSHA District 4 Manager). “History of MSHA,” Leadership Intensive Course Mine Safety and Health Administration. No date. 48 slides. Accessed 1-11-2009 at: http://www.usmra.com/repository/category/mining/modified_History_of_MSHA.ppt#256,1
United States Bureau of Mines. Report. August 27, 1940; Bates No. 2 Mine, Bates, Ark., 10 Killed. Accessed 10-15-2024 at: https://usminedisasters.miningquiz.com/saxsewell/1940_Bates_Report.pdf