1940 – Syphilis, US death rate 14.4 per 100K pop., esp. FL, DC, AZ DE MS MD AL–19,006

–19,006 Bureau of the Census. Vital Statistics of the United States 1940, Part I. 1943, p. 28.

State Death rate per Deaths Table 13 State Death rate per Deaths Table 13
100,000 pop. 100,000 pop.

Alabama 20.7 586 p. 268 New Jersey 12.3 510 p. 352
Arizona 22.0 110 p. 271 New Mexico 14.7 78 p. 355
Arkansas 13.5 263 p. 274 New York 15.7 2,110 p. 358
California 18.0 1,245 p. 277 North Carolina 12.3 438 p. 361
Colorado 12.0 135 p. 280 North Dakota 4.2 27 p. 364
Connecticut 9.1 156 p. 283 Ohio 14.5 1,004 p. 367
Delaware 21.8 58 p. 286 Oklahoma 12.1 283 p. 370
District of Columbia 25.0 166 p. 289 Oregon 12.1 132 p. 373
Florida 26.7 506 p. 292 Pennsylvania 13.4 1,322 p. 376
Georgia 20.6 642 p. 295 Rhode Island 9.3 66 p. 379
Idaho 8.0 42 p. 298 South Carolina 19.6 373 p. 382
Illinois 13.4 1,058 p. 301 South Dakota 5.6 36 p. 385
Indiana 14.4 494 p. 304 Tennessee 14.5 423 p. 388
Iowa 7.0 177 p. 307 Texas 14.6 928 p. 391
Kansas 11.8 213 p. 310 Utah 4.9 27 p. 394
Kentucky 11.2 518 p. 313 Vermont 7.2 26 p. 397
Louisiana 29.2 691 p. 316 Virginia 17.7 475 p. 400
Maine 9.0 76 p. 319 Washington 13.8 240 p. 403
Maryland 21.5 391 p. 322 West Virginia 15.1 287 p. 406
Massachusetts 8.6 371 p. 325 Wisconsin 7.4 232 p. 409
Michigan 11.5 607 p. 328 Wyoming 14.3 37 p. 412
Minnesota 8.6 239 p. 331
Mississippi 21.7 474 p. 334 (States above national average in yellow.)
Missouri 18.2 688 p. 337
Montana 11.8 66 p. 340
Nebraska 7.6 103 p. 343
Nevada 19.0 21 p. 346
New Hampshire 11.4 58 p. 349


Bureau of the Census, U.S. Department of Commerce. Vital Statistics of the United States 1940 Part I: Natality and Mortality Data for the United States Tabulated by Place of Occurrence with Supplemental Tables for Hawaii, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands. Washington: Government Printing Office 1943. Accessed 6-7-2021 at: https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/products/vsus/vsus_1939_1964.htm