1942 — Jan 15, UK tanker Coimbra (out of Bayonne, NJ), torpedoed by U-boat 50M so. Shinnecock L.I., NY–36

–37 Sheard. Lost Voyages: Two Centuries of Shipwrecks…Approaches to New York. 1998, 158.
–36 Blanchard: We choose to rely on Helgason given more detailed account and named victims.
–36 Helgason. “Ships hit by U-boats. Coimbra. British Steam tanker.” uboat.net.

Narrative Information

Helgason: “Ships hit by U-boats. Coimbra. British Steam tanker.” uboat.net.

“Name Coimbra
“Type Steam tanker
“Tonnage 6,768 tons
“Owner Socony Vacuum Transportation Co Ltd, Montreal
“Homeport London
“Date of attack 15 Jan 1942
“Nationality British
“Fate Sunk by U-123 (Reinhard Hardegen)
“Position 40° 25’N, 72° 21’W – Grid CA 2896
“Complement 46 (36 dead and 10 survivors).
“Route Bayonne, NJ (14 Jan) – Halifax – UK
“Cargo 8038 tons of lubricating oil
“Notes on event: At 09.41 hours on 15 January 1942 the unescorted Coimbra (Master John Patrick Barnard) was hit by one G7e torpedo from U-123, which had spotted the dim lit navigation lights of the tanker astern while the U-boat was proceeding eastbound following the southern shore of Long Island. The torpedo struck on the starboard side just aft of the superstructure at the forward end of the engine room. A huge towering explosion lit up the night sky and the cargo of oil quickly caught fire and spread across the water. Residents from the Hamptons on Long Island could see the fire at sea 27 miles away and alerted the authorities. At 09.59 hours, a coup de grâce was fired from a stern torpedo tube that struck the tanker on starboard side underneath the funnel in #6 main tank and caused the ship to settle fast by the stern, striking the sea floor after five minutes. Like his previous victim, the Norness, the bow of the Coimbra was sticking out of the water. Hardegen commented: These are some pretty buoys we are leaving for the Yankees in the harbor approaches as replacement for the lightships. The tanker later sank completely.

“None of the five lifeboats carried aboard could be safely launched. 19 crew members and six gunners (the ship was armed with one 4in and six machine guns) were lost in the sinking. Nine crewmen rescued themselves on two rafts, while twelve others, including the master, clung to an overturned lifeboat. They managed to right the boat after a struggle but having lost all gear and provisions in it they were unable to bail it out owing to the high swell and were forced to sit waist deep in water in freezing temperatures. Ten crew members, including the master, died of exposure before the last two men were rescued after about 12 hours by USS Rowan (DD 405) (LtCdr B.R. Harrison, USN). This destroyer also received five survivors who had been picked up from a raft by a whaleboat from USS Mayrant (DD 402) (Cdr E.A. Taylor, USN), which had taken four survivors from another raft aboard. One of the survivors died of exposure and shock aboard USS Rowan and was buried at sea on 16 January, the remaining six survivors were landed at Argentia, Newfoundland on 23 January. The four survivors aboard USS Mayrant were landed at Placentia, Newfoundland on 22 January.” (A link following this text goes to list of crewmembers.)

Sheard: “Sunken Battleground of World War II. January 15, 1942: Coimbra

“The sinking of the tanker Coimbra followed that of the Norness by a day, when two torpedoes split the dark night and sent the Coimbra to the bottom in three pieces. Her bow remained awash for several days, refusing to sink. Forced to take to the ship’s life boats and rafts on a cold January night, only nine of the Coimbra’s 46 crewmembers survived an icy ordeal before they were finally rescued. Today the Coimbra lies beneath 180 feet of water 30 miles south of Shinnecock, Long Island….” (Sheard, Bradley. Lost Voyages: Two Centuries of Shipwrecks in the Approaches to New York. NY: Aqua Quest Publications, Inc., 1998, p. 158.)


Helgason, Guðmundur. “Ships hit by U-boats. Coimbra. British Steam tanker.” uboat.net. Accessed 7-3-2022 at: https://www.uboat.net/allies/merchants/1251.htm

Sheard, Bradley. Lost Voyages: Two Centuries of Shipwrecks in the Approaches to New York. NY: Aqua Quest Publications, Inc., 1998.