1943 — Dec 27, two military plane crashes, one in FL and one in NY                             —     11

–6  USAAF B-17E Fortress landing crash in fog ½M N of Hendricks Army Air Base, FL

–5  USN PV-1 Ventura crash and explosion, Rockaway Inlet, NY 

Compiled by Wayne Blanchard; last edit 4-18-2024 for upload to: http://www.usdeadlyevents.com/

  • USN PV-1 Ventura crash and explosion, Rockaway Inlet, NY:


–6  VPNavy.org. U.S. Navy Patrol Squadrons. “VP-147 Mishap” page 1940’s.

–5  Baugher. US Navy and US Marine Corps BuNos Third Series (39999 to 50359).  8-7-2011.


Baugher: “48744 (VB-147) w/o 27-Dec-43 Rockaway Inlet, NY.  Crashed & exploded.  5 killed.”  (Baugher. US Navy and US Marine Corps BuNos Third Series (39999 to 50359).  8-7-2011.)


VPNavy.org. U.S. Navy Patrol Squadrons. “VP-147 Mishap” page 1940’s:

27 DEC 43 A/C: PV-1

“Location: NAS Floyd Bennett Field, New York

Strike: NO BUNO: 34735


“A/Sub Patrol


“…Operational anti-submarine flight. Weather: Ceiling 350-400-ft and flying conditions were undesirable for flight. Lt. Simcoke took of at 0620 on an operational flight, but immediately, returned to base due to foul weather. Operations Center (Eastern Sea Frontier) considered the mission important, and ordered the plane to take-off again. The plane too-off the second time at 0748 and crashed at 0753. Adm Report: Opinion of the Squadron Commander, that the pilot tried to maintain contact with the ground during his turn after take-off, either until he settled on his departure course or with the intention of proceeding under the overcast, and that after he proceeded from over land to over Rockaway Inlet at low altitude, he lost contact with ground and struck the water before he could shift to instruments. It is believed that the pilots temporary faulty judgment in attempting to maintain contact under existing weather conditions, instead of flying on instruments immediately after take-off was the cause of the accident. Three bodies were recovered and three are missing. Crew killed: Pilot Lt. Morris G. Simcoke A-V(N) USNR, Ens William R. Marting A-V(N) USNR, Amm2c Joseph J. Richards USN, Aom3c James K . Flannery USNR, and Rm2c Claybourne Patton USNR…” 23Feb99 upload.


[Note that while it is stated that three bodies were recovered and three were missing, only five men were named as crew.]


  • USAAF B-17E Fortress crash in heavy fog, .5M N of Hendricks Army Air Base, FL:


Baugher: “Boeing B-17E Fortress….2587 crashed Dec 27, 1943 1/2 mi N of Hendricks AAB, FL.  All 6 onboard killed.” 1941 USAAF Serial Numbers (41-1 to 41-6721). April 30, 2011 rev.


Aircrew Remembered. USAAF and Allied Forces Non-Combat Losses and Incidents:

“Lanham, Earl…1943-12-27…41-2587…Special Pilot Training Sq….USAAF….Hendricks Field, Sebring, FL …Killed, landing accident…Destroyed [plane]…Non Combat…USA…Florida …Swamp ½ mi off NS Rwy, Hendricks Fld, FL”


United Press, Dec 29: “Sebring, Fla., Dec. 29. – An army board of inquiry today investigated the crash of a four-engined bomber which took the lives of six men Monday. The aircraft was flying in a heavy fog on a routine training flight when the accident occurred. It crashed about one-half mile northwest of Hendricks field here in rough swamp country. The dead included:


Second Lieutenant William H. Resaler, jr., (6 East Lincoln street), Shamokin, Pa.

Sergeant Robert Sharbauth, (622 Keystone avenue), Cresson, Pa.


“The fatal crash was only the fourth since the training of four-engined bomber pilots began at Sebring in March, 1942. About 17,000 flying hours, equivalent to nearly 24,000,000 miles, had been amassed since the last fatal accident in April of this year.” (United Press. “Cresson Youth is Killed in Bomber Crash.” Altoona Mirror, PA. 12-29-1943, p1.)




Aircrew Remembered. USAAF and Allied Forces Non-Combat Losses and Incidents. Accessed 4-18-2024 at: https://aircrewremembered.com/USAAFAlliesNonCombatLosses/?s=11500&q=1943-04-02&qand=&exc1=&exc2=&search_type=&search_only=


Baugher, Joseph F. 1941 USAAF Serial Numbers (41-1 to 41-6721). April 30, 2011 revision. Accessed 12-6-2011 at:  http://www.joebaugher.com/usaf_serials/1941_1.html


Baugher, Joseph F. US Navy and US Marine Corps BuNos Third Series (39999 to 50359). 8-7-2011 revision. Accessed at: http://www.joebaugher.com/navy_serials/thirdseries5.html


United Press. “Cresson Youth is Killed in Bomber Crash.” Altoona Mirror, PA. 12-29-1943, p1. Accessed 4-18-2024 at: https://newspaperarchive.com/altoona-mirror-dec-29-1943-p-18/


VPNavy.org. U.S. Navy Patrol Squadrons. “VP-147 Mishap” page 1940’s. Accessed 4-18-2024 at: https://www.vpnavy.org/vp147_mishap.html