1943 — July 19, USAAF B-24 structural failure crash, Taylor Canyon, 27M NE Gunnison, CO– 11

Compiled by Wayne Blanchard; last edit 5-4-2024 for upload to: http://www.usdeadlyevents.com/

–11  Baugher, Joseph F.  1941 USAAF Serial Numbers (41-24340 to 41-30847). 9-12-2011 rev. 

–11  Mireles 2006. Fatal Army AF Aviation Accidents…US…, V2, July 1943-July 1944, p. 442.

Narrative Information

Baugher: “Consolidated B-24E-15-CF Liberator…29027 crashed Jul 19, 1943 in Taylor Canyon near Gunnison, CO due to structural failure to tail surfaces. All 11 onboard killed.  The right horizontal stabilizer failed, folded over, and broke off the left horizontal stabilizer while recovering from a dive.”  (Baugher, Joseph F.  1941 USAAF Serial Numbers (41-24340 to 41-30847). 9-12-2011 revision.)


Mireles: “At 1145 MWT, a Consolidated B-24E suffered a catastrophic structural failure of the tail section and crashed 27 miles northeast of Gunnison, Colorado, killing all 11 crew-members on board.  Witnesses on the ground observed the airplane dive out of the overcast before breaking up and spinning to the ground. Investigators speculated that the pilot attempted to level out of the dive and in doing so put stresses on the tail section that resulted in its disintegration and separation from the airplane. Investigation of the wreckage revealed that the star­board horizontal stabilizer folded up and struck the port horizontal stabilizer. The port horizontal stabi­lizer, elevator, vertical fin and rudder then broke away from the airplane. The starboard horizontal stabilizer and vertical fin, still attached to the airplane and folded over to approximately inverted, finally separated and the B-24 fell into a diving spiral to the left, striking the side of a mountain and exploding into flames. The air­plane was on a cross-country navigation flight from Casper, Wyoming, to El Paso, Texas.”  (Mireles 2006, Vol. 2, July 1943-July 1944, p. 442.)




Baugher, Joseph F. 1941 USAAF Serial Numbers (41-24340 to 41-30847). Sep 12, 2011 revision. Accessed 12-7-2011 at: http://www.joebaugher.com/usaf_serials/1941_4.html


Mireles, Anthony J.  Fatal Army Air Forces Aviation Accidents in the United States, 1941-1945 (Volume 2:  July 1943 – July 1944).  Jefferson, NC:  McFarland and Co., 2006.