1943 — July 4, autos collide head-on, Route 68, 3M south of Marienville, Northwest PA–   8

Compiled by Wayne Blanchard; last edit 5-5-2024 for upload to: http://www.usdeadlyevents.com/

—  8  Bradford Era, PA. “Marienville Crash Takes Eight Lives.” 7-6-1943, p. 1.

—  8  Marion Star, OH.  “Head-on Auto Crash Claims Lives of Eight.” 7-6-1943.

Narrative Information

July 6, Bradford Era: “Seven persons were burned to death, another fatally hurt and six others injured, one critically, in a headon collision of two out-of-state automobiles in Route 68, three miles south of Marienville, Forest county, early Sunday morning.  Both cars – one from New York and the other from Ohio – burst into flames following the crash, trapping the seven persons in the New York car and burning them to death.  The other victim, a passenger in the Ohio car, died in the hospital three hours after the crash.”  (Bradford Era, PA. “Marienville Crash Takes Eight Lives.” 7-6-1943, 1.)


July 6, Marion Star: Marienville, Pa., July 6 — (AP) — Investigation of a head-on automobile crash that claimed eight lives near here Sunday was delayed today pending improvement in the condition of five Akron, O., residents injured in the collision.  Only one person — 18 months–old Thomas Boland Jr., of Akron — escaped unhurt as the two autos carrying 14 passengers collided and caught fire. All seven occupants of one of the cars were burned to death. The eighth victim, Mrs. Philip Boland, 30, of Akron, was riding in the other machine.  Police were able to establish positive identify of only three other bodies. They were: Owen D. Brown and Robert J. Storm of Elmira, N.Y. and Gar M. Wood of Ithaca, N.Y.  Corp. P. H. Winger of the state police patrol said the other victims were believed to be children of Brown, who was driving to Niles, O., to get their mother.”  (Marion Star, OH.  “Head-on Auto Crash Claims Lives of Eight.” 7-6-1943.)




Bradford Era, PA. “Marienville Crash Takes Eight Lives.” 7-6-1943, p. 1. Accessed at:  http://www.newspaperarchive.com/FullPagePdfViewer.aspx?img=140366582


Marion Star, OH.  “Head-on Auto Crash Claims Lives of Eight.” 7-6-1943. Accessed at: http://www.newspaperarchive.com