1944 – Aug 23, USAAF B-24/3 crew, hits thunderstorm, crashes into school, Freckleton/58, UK–61

Compiled by Wayne Blanchard; last edit 3-19-2024 for upload to: http://www.usdeadlyevents.com/

–61  Aviation Safety Network. USAAF B-24 test flight crash into Freckleton village UK, 8-23-1944

            —  3  USAAF B-24 Liberator

            –38  Children in Holy Trinity School infants’ wing. {ages 4-6)

            —  6  Adults in Holy Trinity School infants’ wing.

            –14  Sad Sack Snack Bar [Five were American servicemen. (United Press. 8-27-1944).]

–61  Hedtke, James R. The Freckleton, England, Air Disaster. McFarland: Jefferson, NC, 2014.

–61  Wikipedia. “Freckleton air disaster.” 3-15-2024. Accessed 3-19-2024. (Links to casualty list)


Narrative Information


Aviation Safety Network, Flight Safety Foundation. ASN Wikibase Occurrence #25233:

“Date and Time:          Wednesday 23 August 1944, 10:47

“Type:                         Consolidated B-24H-20CF Liberator

“Owner/operator:        BAD-2 [Base Air Depot No.2] USAAF

“Registration:              42-50291

“Fatalities:                   Fatalities: 3 / Occupants: 3

“Other fatalities:          58

“Aircraft damage:       Destroyed

“Location:                   Freckleton village, Lancashire – United Kingdom

“Phase:                        Approach

“Nature:                       Test

“Departure airport:      RAF Warton / AAF Sta 582

“Destination airport:    RAF Warton / AAF Sta 582



“The B-24H Liberator was one of two that took off from Warton at about 10:30 am for test flights after refurbishment. Upon the approach of a thunderstorm with heavy rain and a wind of about 60 m.p.h. the Liberators were instructed to land. 42-50291 piloted by 1st Lt J. A. Bloemendal made an approach to runway 08 at Warton before breaking off to go around.


“Moments later in blinding rain the Liberator, nicknamed ” Classy Chassis II “, crashed in a nearly vertical bank into the village of Freckleton just east of the airfield. The right wing struck a building and broke off while the fuselage smashed through the Holy Trinity School infants’ wing, killing 38 children and 6 adults. The fuselage also demolished 3 houses and a cafe patronised by personnel from the air base. Fourteen died in the Sad Sack Snack Bar.


“Blazing fuel added to the horror of the crash.


“A total of 61 persons died in this tragedy, 38 of them children.”




Aug 23, AP: “Associated Press. London, Aug. 23.


“An American bomber crashed flaming into the Lancashire village of Freckleton today, killing at least 50 persons, 34 of them small children at a church school. The toll may be much higher. The Press Association (British) said the plane was a Liberator and that at least three of its crew were killed. American troops joint in rescue work in the flaming wreckage of one of England’s worst sky-ground tragedies. At least three American soldiers were among the adults killed.


“An eyewitness said the whole center of the tiny village of 1,438 inhabitants became a ‘sea of lames,’ and added: ‘I looked out from a shop window. There was a flash in the air and the plane, which was flying low, caught fire. It turned over on its back and struck the top of the school and then flashed across the road onto the snack bar.’” (Associated Press. “Plane Hits School. At Least 50 Killed.” Hamilton Daily News Journal, OH. 8-23-1944, p. 1.)


Aug 24, AP: “Freckleton, England, Aug. 24 (AP) – With 54 bodies removed already, fear was expressed today that 39 more persons might be buried in the wreckage of a school and nearby snack bar destroyed yesterday when an American Liberator bomber crashed in this Lancashire gardening village. Known dead included 35 children – all but six of the village’s 41 youngsters between four and six years of age. The other victims include nine American serviceman…[blurred line]. The tragedy occurred when the Liberator was caught in a sudden storm on a local flight.” (Associated Press. “Remove 54 Bodies After Plane Crash.” Evening Times, Cumberland, MD. 8-24-1944, p. 1.)


Aug 25, AP: “Freckleton, England, Aug. 25 – (AP) – The death toll resulting from the crash of a Liberator bomber in this Lancashire village mounted to 57 today as the townsfolk considered restricting admission to the mass funeral tomorrow by issuing tickets. A six-year-old child died during the night, bringing to 36 the number of children killed in the accident. The ticket proposal was advanced to assure families of the victims places in the village church, which has a seating capacity of only 250.” (Associated Press. “Bomber Crash Toll Mounts; Total 57.” Sarasota Herald-Tribune, FL. 8-25-1944, p. 1.)


Aug 26, AP: “Freckleton, England, Aug. 26. – A 65-year-old school teacher and one of her 6-year-old pupils died today of injuries suffered in the crash of an American Liberator upon Freckleton’s schoolhouse Wednesday, increasing the death toll to 59. Thirty-seven school children between the ages of 4 and 6 years who died in the accident will be buried tomorrow in one grave dug by United States troops in the village churchyard.” (Associated Press. “Death Toll Rises to 59 in Town Hit by Plane.” The Evening Star, Washington, D.C.,  8-26-1944, B-10.)


Sep 8, AP: “Kirkham, England, Sept. 8 – (AP) – The American bomber which killed 60 persons in its flaming plunge into Freckleton Aug. 23 was struck by lightning during a violent storm, it was testified at an inquest which returned a verdict of death by misadventure. Nine American soldiers and 38 children were among the killed.” (Associated Press. “Bulletins.” Warren Times-Mirrow, PA. 9-8-1944, p. 1.)




Associated Press. “Bomber Crash Toll Mounts; Total 57.” Sarasota Herald-Tribune, FL. 8-25-1944, p. 1. Accessed 3-19-2024 at:



Associated Press. “Bulletins.” Warren Times-Mirrow, PA. 9-8-1944, p. 1. Accessed 3-19-2024 at: https://newspaperarchive.com/warren-times-mirror-sep-08-1944-p-1/


Associated Press. “Death Toll Rises to 59 in Town Hit by Plane.” The Evening Star, Washington, D.C.,  8-26-1944, B-10. Accessed 3-19-2024 at:



Associated Press. “Plane Hits School. At Least 50 Killed.” Hamilton Daily News Journal, OH. 8-23-1944, p. 1. Accessed 3-19-2024 at:



Associated Press. “Remove 54 Bodies After Plane Crash.” Evening Times, Cumberland, MD. 8-24-1944, p. 1. Accessed 3-19-2024 at: https://newspaperarchive.com/cumberland-evening-times-aug-24-1944-p-10/


Aviation Safety Network, Flight Safety Network, Database. ASN Wikibase Occurrence # 25233, USAAF B-24 test flight crash into Freckleton village UK, 8-23-1944. Accessed 3-19-2024 at:



Hedtke, James R. The Freckleton, England, Air Disaster: The B-24 Crash That Killed 38 Preschoolers and 23 Adults, August 23, 1944. McFarland & Company, Inc.: Jefferson, NC, 2014. Google preview accessed 3-19-2024 at: https://www.google.com/books/edition/The_Freckleton_England_Air_Disaster/p1WoAgAAQBAJ?hl=en&gbpv=1&dq=Hedtke,+James+R.+The+Freckleton,+England,+Air+Disaster.&printsec=frontcover


Wikipedia. “Freckleton air disaster.” 3-15-2024. Accessed 3-19-2024 at: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Freckleton_air_disaster#CITEREFShakeshaft2001