1945 — Apr 23, USAAF B-17 carrying on-leave troops crashes ~Ramsey, Isle of Man –all 31

Compiled 12-20-2023 by Wayne Blanchard for: http://www.usdeadlyevents.com/ 

–31  Aviation Safety Network. USAAF B-17 flies into hill peak 2M S of Ramsey, Isle of Man.

–31  Manx Radio, Douglas, Isle of Man. “Anniversary of Island’s worst air crash.” 4-23-2019.

Narrative Information


Aviation Safety Network, Flight Safety Foundation, Database, 1945, p. 74:

“Date:                          Monday 23 April 1945

“Type:                         Boeing B-17G Flying Fortress

“Owner/operator:        534th BSqn / 381st BGp USAAF

“Registration;              43-38856

“MSN:                         9834

“Fatalities:                   Fatalities: 31 . Occupants: 31


“Location:                   2 miles south of Ramsey, Isle of Man

“Phase:                        En route

“Nature:                      Passenger

“Departure airport:      RAF Ridgewell / AAF Sta. 167

“Destination airport:   Nutts Corner


“Narrative:                  Crashed just below the peak of a 2,000 ft hill on the Isle of Man while

carrying members of the 381st Bombardment Group (Heavy) to a 3-day leave break in Ireland. Capt. Charles E. Ackerman Jnr USAAF, and his 3 man crew and 27 passengers…”


Manx Radio:


“It’s the 74th anniversary of the worst air disaster ever seen on Manx [Isle of Man language] soil. An American Flying Fortress bomber crashed into the side of North Barrule [2nd highest island peak, near Ramsey] on 23 April 1945, killing all 31 on board. The plane was on a peaceful mission, taking its 27 passengers for a few days of leave in Northern Ireland. Whilst visibility was poor at the time, it’s never been known for certain why the plane crashed. However, it has been suggested that the pilot had been flying low over the Island in order to see where a colleague of his had lost his life on North Barrule in another crash, some nine months earlier.” (Manx Radio, Douglas, Isle of Man. “Anniversary of Island’s worst air crash.” 4-23-2019.)




Aviation Safety Network, Flight Safety Foundation, Database, 1945, p. 74. USAAF B-17 flies into hill peak 2M S of Ramsey, Isle of Man, 4-23-1945. Accessed 12-19-2023 at: https://aviation-safety.net/wikibase/98299


Manx Radio -the nations station, Douglas, Isle of Man. “Anniversary of Island’s worst air crash; Flying Fortress crashed on North Barrule 74 years ago.” 4-23-2019. Accessed 12-20-2023 at: https://www.manxradio.com/news/isle-of-man-news/anniversary-of-islands-worst-air-crash/


Wikipedia. “Isle of Man.” 12-18-2023 edit. Accessed 12-20-2023 at: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Isle_of_Man


Wikipedia. “North Barrule.” 2-12-2023 edit. Accessed 12-20-2023 at: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/North_Barrule