1945 — Aug 28, USAAF B-29 crash during violent storm, Toga, Akita, Honshu, Japan– 10

Compiled 12-27-2023 by Wayne Blanchard for upload to: http://www.usdeadlyevents.com/

–12  Baugher, Joseph. 1944 USAAF Serial Numbers (44-40049 to 44-70254). 10-9-2023 rev.[1]

–10  Aviation Safety Network. USAAF B-29 crash during violent storm, Toga, Honshu Japan.

–10  UP. “Japan Reports Crash of B-29; Ten Killed.” Vidette- Messenger, Valparaiso, IN. 8-30-1945, p1.

 Narrative Information


Aviation Safety Network, Flight Safety Foundation, Database, 1945, p. 116:

“Date:                          Wednesday 29 August 1945

“Time:                         morning

“Type:                         Boeing B-29 Superfortress

“Owner/operator:        United States Army Air Force (USAAF)

“Registration:              44-69998


“Fatalities:                   Fatalities: 10 / Occupants: 11

“Aircraft damage:       Written off (damaged beyond repair)

“Location:                   Toga, Akita, Honshu – Japan

“Phase:                        Unknown

“Nature:                      Military

“Departure airport:

“Destination airport:

“Narrative:                  Crashed during a violent storm. The only survivor was seriously burned.”


Baugher, Joseph. 1944 USAAF Serial Numbers (44-40049 to 44-70254). 10-9-2023 revision:


“….Boeing B-29-70-BW Superfortress….69998 Delivered to USAAF 2Apr45. Assigned to 870th Bomb Squadron, 497th Bomb Group (497th VB), 870th BS) lost from unknown cause Aug 28, 1945, South Pacific. MACR [Missing Air Crew Report] 14867. Took off from Saipan to drop supplies on a POW camp in Japan. Never heard from after takeoff, all 12 on board missing.”




Aug 30, UP: “San Francisco, Aug. 30, – (UP) – An American Superfortress crashed on Northern Honshu Tuesday [28th], killing 10 of the 11 crew members, the Japanese news agency, Domei, said today. The broadcast, recorded by the FCC, said that the bomber crashed during a raging storm near Tegamura in southern Akita prefecture. The storm prevented a Japanese rescue squad from reaching the scene until Wednesday morning.” (United Press. “Japan Reports Crash of B-29; Ten Killed.” The Vidette- Messenger, Valparaiso, IN. 8-30-1945, p. 1.)




Aviation Safety Network, Flight Safety Foundation, Database, 1945, p. 116. USAAF B-29 Superfortress crash during violent storm, Toga, Akita, Honshu Japan, 29 August 1945. Accessed 12-27-2023 at: https://aviation-safety.net/wikibase/98554


Baugher, Joseph. 1944 USAAF Serial Numbers (44-40049 to 44-70254). 10-9-2023 revision. Accessed 12-27-2023 at: https://www.joebaugher.com/usaf_serials/1944_4.html


United Press. “Japan Reports Crash of B-29; Ten Killed.” The Vidette- Messenger, Valparaiso, IN. 8-30-1945, p. 1. Accessed 12-27-2023 at:




























[1] Though the serial number is the same as in Aviation Safety Network, possibly might refer to different plane.