1945 – July 22, USAAF B-24M engine problem, crash, James River ~Newport News, VA-11

Last edit Nov 30, 2023 by Wayne Blanchard for upload to: http://www.usdeadlyevents.com/

–11 Aviation Safety Network. USAAF B-24M Liberator crash 3M W Newport News VA.

–11  Mireles 2006. Fatal Army AF Aviation Accidents…US…, V3, Aug 1944-Dec 1945, 1138.

Narrative Information


Aviation Safety Network, Flight Safety Foundation, Database, 1945, p. 107 (44-51522):

“Date:                          Sunday 22 July 1945

“Time:                         15:08

“Type:                         Consolidated B-24M Liberator

“Owner/operator:        United States Army Air Forces (USAAF)

“Registration:              44-51522

“Fatalities:                   Fatalities: 11 / Occupants: 11


“Location:                   3M W off Newport News, BA – USA

‘Phase:                         En route

“Nature:                      Military

“Departure airport       Langley Field, Hampton, VA

“Destination airport:   Return to same



“Crashed. B-24M Liberator #44-51522, with the 3539 Base Unit. The bomber had taken off from Langley Field, near Hampton, Virginia for a mock bombing training flight to Mulberry Island.


“The flight was observed at about 4,000 feet, heading in a northerly direction when an explosion was heard and smoke began pouring out of the № 3 and № 4 engines. Witnesses observed wing panels falling to earth. The plane entered a cloud and when it came back into sight, it had turned around and was dropping fast. The B-24 came down into the James River, with wings level, and entered the water about three miles west of Newport News, Virginia.


“Two more explosions were heard after the aircraft impacted the water.


“All eleven airmen aboard were killed:


2nd Lt. Raymond L. Ferriman, Pilot
2nd Lt. Rosario Ferlita, O-838871, FL, Co-Pilot
2nd Lt. Donald E. Fisher, O2078760, NY, Navigator
Flt. Off. Frank C. DeMartino, T-134190, NY, Bombardier
1st Lt Charles L. Goerke, O-690559, IN, Bombardier Instructor
Flt. Off. William D. Showalter, T-138262, WV, Navigator
2nd Lt. Hugh E. Leonard, O-930337, CA, Navigator Instructor
S/Sgt. Ralph E. Forney, 35167109, IN, Flight Engineer Instructor
Sgt. Walter Brown, 31448500, RI, Radio Operator
Sgt. Keith T. Hansen, 36647118, IL, Flight Engineer
Cpl. Wesley Faulkner, 35464419, KY, Flight Engineer.”


Mireles: “At 1508, a Consolidated B-24M crashed into the James River three miles west of Newport News, Virginia, killing 11 crewmembers. The airplane took off from Langley Field, Hampton, Virginia, on a medium-altitude bombing mission at Mulberry Island. Investigators stated,


“[The airplane] was first observed at an esti­mated 4,000 feet at which time the engines were heard to be intermittently sputtering and then roaring. An explosion was also heard and flames were observed coming from engine number-three and engine number-four. Pieces of the aircraft were seen floating down in flames including a large section of wing panel. The aircraft entered a cloud on a north heading and when it reappeared was in a steep dive and turning right to a heading of south. The airplane entered the water with its wings level and two distinct explosions were heard. After the aircraft hit the water gas and oil burned for an hour. Since none of the aircraft’s engines or en­gine accessories have been recovered, it is impossible to determine definitely the cause of the accident. Dur­ing the investigation there was definitive evidence of fire in the vicinity of the number-one engine.” (Quoted in Mireles 2006, p. 1138.)




Aviation Safety Network, Flight Safety Foundation, Database, 1945, p. 107. USAAF B-24M Liberator crash 3M W Newport News VA, 22 July 1945. Accessed 11-30-2023 at: https://aviation-safety.net/wikibase/101573


Mireles, Anthony J.  Fatal Army Air Forces Aviation Accidents in the United States, 1941-1945 (Volume 3:  August 1944 – December 1945). Jefferson, NC: McFarland and Co., 2006.