1945 — Mar 10, USAAF B-29 engine failure/emer. landing crash, Alexandria AAF, LA–10

Compiled 12-18-2023 by Wayne Blanchard for: http://www.usdeadlyevents.com/ 

–10  Aviation Safety Network. USAAF B-29 landing crash, Alexandria AAF, LA, 3-10-1945.

–10  AP. “Ten Crew Members Killed in Plane Crash.” Wichita Daily Times, TX. 3-12-1945, p2.

–10  Assoc. Press. “Ten killed in plane crash.” Lincoln Nebraska State Journal, 3-12-1945, p. 1.

Narrative Information


Aviation Safety Network, Flight Safety Foundation, Database, 1945, p. 44:

“Date:                          Saturday 10 March 1945

“Time:                         20:40 LT [local time]

“Type:                         Boeing B-29A Superfortress

“Owner/operator:        501st BSqn / 41st BGp USAAF

“Registration:              42-63391


“Fatalities:                   Fatalities: 10 / Occupants: 10


“Location:                   Alexandria AAF, Alexandria, Rapides Parish, Louisiana, USA

“Phase:                        Landing

“Nature:                      Military

“”Departure airport:    Harvard AAF, Nebraska

“Destination airport:   Alexandria AAF, Louisiana



“….Written off (damaged beyond repair) March 10, 1945: The aircraft departed Harvard AAF, Harvard, Nebraska, at 10:25 CWT for a local navigation flight of about 14 hours. Aircraft called Alexandria Tower at Alexander AAF, Louisiana, at 20:40 CWT stating that they were coming in for an emergency landing due to engine trouble. Permission was granted, but the number one engine backfired and there were indications of fire in the induction system. These complications caused the aircraft to veer to the left of the runway and drop steeply, resulting in cartwheeling, explosion, and fire. Night vision and fatigue were also considered as contributing factors in this accident. All 10 crew on board were killed: [See March 12 Associated Press listing below.]


Pilot-Tulla, Valentin 2nd Lt. – fatal
Co-pilot-Shambrook, Wayne R. 2nd Lt.-fatal
Navigator-LeVord, Vincent L.1st Lt.-fatal
Bomber-Callahan, Herbert W. 1st officer-fatal
Engineer-Neely, Everett A. Staff Sgt.-fatal
Radio Operator-Cadwallader, William M. Staff Sgt.-fatal
Gunner-Adams, William H. Cpl.-fatal
Gunner-Allison, Reed D. Cpl.-fatal
Gunner-Allen, J. L. Cpl.-fatal
V-Grano, H. H.1st Lt.-fatal.”




March 11, AP: “Alexandria, La., March 11. (AP) – All 10 members of a four-motored bomber crew from the Harvard, Neb., Army Air Field were killed last night in a crash while attempting a landing at the Alexandria Army Air Field. Victims included First Lt. Hubert Crane,[1] Fort Worth, Texas.” (Associated Press. “Ten Crew Members Killed in Plane Crash.” Wichita Daily Times, TX. 3-12-1945, p.2.)


March 12, AP: “Harvard, Neb. (AP). Ten men perished late Saturday night [10th] when a four engine bomber from the Harvard army air field crashed as it came in for a landing at the Alexandria, La., army air field, Col. William Lewis, jr., commander of the air field here, announced Sunday. Colonel Lewis said the plane was on a combat training mission when it crashed and burned. The dead:


Second Lt. Valentin Tulla, Clemson, S.C.

Second Lt. Wayne R. Shambrook, Forrest, Ill.

First Lt. Vincent L. Levora, Decatur, Ill.

F/O Herbert Callahan, Grafton, Ill.

First Lt. Herbert Crane, Fort Worth, Tex.

S/Sgt. Everett A. Neely, Eldorado Springs, Mo.

S/Sgt. William M. Cadwallader, Philadelphia, Pa.

Cpl. William H. Adams, New Milford, Conn.

Cpl. Reed Allison, Mount Union, Pa.

Cpl. James L. Allen, Warren, Pa.”


(Associated Press. “Ten killed in plane crash.” Lincoln Nebraska State Journal, 3-12-1945, p. 1.)




Associated Press. “Ten Crew Members Killed in Plane Crash.” Wichita Daily Times, TX. 3-12-1945, p.2. Accessed 12-18-2023 at: https://newspaperarchive.com/wichita-daily-times-mar-12-1945-p-2/


Associated Press. “Ten killed in plane crash.” Lincoln Nebraska State Journal, 3-12-1945, p. 1. Accessed 12-18-2023 at: https://newspaperarchive.com/lincoln-nebraska-state-journal-mar-12-1945-p-1/


Aviation Safety Network, Flight Safety Foundation, Database, 1945, p. 44. USAAF B-29 landing crash, Alexandria AAF, LA, 3-10-1945. Accessed 12-18-2023 at:


[1] Not one of the ten victims named in Aviation Safety Network page.