1945 — Mar 14, USAAF C-47 loses propeller paratroop practice, hits 6, crashes ~Prosnes France–10

Compiled 12-19-2023 by Wayne Blanchard for: http://www.usdeadlyevents.com/ 

–10  Aviation Safety Network. USAAF C-47 crash near Prosnes France 3-14-1945.

–10  Baugher, Joseph. 1942 USAAF Serial Numbers (42-91974 to 42-110188). 8-7-2023 rev.

Narrative Information


Aviation Safety Network, Flight Safety Foundation, Database, 1945, p. 47:

“Date:                          Wednesday 14 March 1945

“Type:                         Douglas C-47A-70-DL (DC-3)

“Operator:                   United States Army Air Force – USAAF

“Registration:              42-100781

“MSN:                         19255

“First flight:                1943


“Crew:                         Fatalities: 4 / Occupants: 4

“Passengers:                Fatalities: 0 / Occupants: 0

“Total:                         Fatalities: 4 / Occupants: 4

“Ground casualties:     Fatalities: 6


“Location:                   near Prosnes (France)

“Phase:                        En route (ENR)

“Nature:                      Military

“Departure airport:      Prosnes Advanced Landing Ground 1-79, France



“A formation of 42 C-47 transport planes took off from Reims airfield A-79 for a practice paratroop and paradrop mission. During the exercise the right hand propeller of 42-100781 separated from the engine. The airplane lost altitude and struck several paratroopers on the way down. The airplane crashed, killing all four crew members and six paratroopers.” (ASN. USAAF Douglas C-47 loses propeller in paratroop practice flight, hits six in air, crashes near Prosnes France 3-14-1945.)


Baugher: “….Douglas C-47A-70-DL Skytrain….100781…. A formation of 42 C-47 transport planes took off from Reims airfield  for Operation ‘Luftwaffe’ 14Mar45, a practice paratroop and paradrop; these exercises were necessary for periodical qualification jumps. The 1st Battalion and Regimental Headquarters Company of the 508th Parachute Infantry Regiment, 82nd Airborne Division was scheduled to jump. During the exercise the right hand propeller separated from the engine. Already flying at decreased airspeed to accommodate the paratroopers’ needs, the aircraft was unable to recover on its single operating engine. The rapidly sinking aircraft cut a swathe through the parachutists in its path. Parachutes were draped over the wings of the aircraft and their troopers were pinned against the aircraft as it plunged to the ground. Another paratrooper’s parachute was snagged by the tail and he rode it to the ground; surprisingly he survived. The airplane crashed, killing all four crew members and six paratroopers….”





Aviation Safety Network, Flight Safety Foundation, Database, 1945, p. 47. USAAF Douglas C-47A-70-DL (DC-3) loses propeller in paratroop practice flight, hits six in air, crashes near Prosnes France 3-14-1945. Accessed 12-19-2023 at:



Baugher, Joseph F. 1942 USAAF Serial Numbers (42-91974 to 42-110188). 8-7-2023 revision. Accessed 12-19-2023 at: https://www.joebaugher.com/usaf_serials/1942_5.html