1946 — Apr 8, USAAF C-47, Yan’an approach crash, Mt. Hei Cho, ~Shensi, China    –all 17

Compiled 11-11-2023 by Wayne Blanchard for upload to: http://www.usdeadlyevents.com/

–17  Aviation Safety Network. USAAF C-47 crash near Shensi, China, 4-8-1946.

–17  Bureau of Aircraft Accidents Archives. “Crash…C-47B-1-DL on Mt. Hei Cho: 17 killed.”

Narrative Information

Aviation Safety Network, Flight Safety Foundation, Database, 1946, p. 10:

“Date:                          Monday 8 April 1946

“Type:                         Douglas C-47B-1-DL (DC-3)

“Operator:                   United States Army Air Force – USAAF

“Registration:              43-16360

“MSN:                         20826


“Crew:                         Fatalities:   4 / Occupants:   4

“Passengers:                Fatalities: 13 / Occupants: 13

“Total:                         Fatalities: 17 / Occupants: 17


“Location:                   near Shensi (China)

“Phase:                        En route (ENR)

“Nature:                      Passenger

“Departure airport:      Chongqing-Jiangbei International Airport…China

“Destination airport:   Yan’an Ershilipu Airport…China

“Narrative:                  Crashed while on a flight to Yenan….”


Baugher: “….Douglas C-47B-1-DL Skytrain….16360 (MSN 20826) to USAAF 03Aug44. India China Wing ATC 13Sep44. Chungking. Crashed Apr 8, 1945 [1946] Hei Cho Mountain, China.”


Bureau of Aircraft Accidents Archives. “Crash…C-47B-1-DL on Mt. Hei Cho: 17 killed”:

“Date & Time:                         Apr 8, 1946

“Type of aircraft:        Douglas C-47 Skytrain (DC-3)

“Operator:                   USAAF

“Registration:              43-16360


“Survivors:                  No

“Site:                           Mountains

“Schedule:                   Chongqing 0 Yan’an

“MSN:                         20826


“Location: Mt Hei Cho, Shaanxi, China


“Crew on board:         4

“Crew fatalities:          4

“Pax on board:                        13

“Pax fatalities:             13

“Other fatalities:         0

“Total fatalities:          17

“Circumstances:          While starting the descent to Yan’an, Shaanxi, the aircraft hit the slope of

Mt Hei Cho located in a mountain range southwest of Yan’an. The aircraft

was destroyed and all 17 occupants were killed, among them four high

ranking officers, politicians and members of the Chinese Government, like

Bo Gu, General Secretary of the Chinese Communist Party, General Ye

Ting, Wang Ruofei and Deng Fa.”




Aviation Safety Network, Flight Safety Foundation, Database, 1946, p. 10. USAAF C-47 crash near Shensi, China, 4-8-1946. Accessed 11-11-2023 at:



Baugher, Joseph F. USAAF Serial Numbers (43-5109 to 43-52437). 9-1-2023 revision. Accessed 11-11-2023 at: https://www.joebaugher.com/usaf_serials/1943_2.html


Bureau of Aircraft Accidents Archives. “Crash of a Douglas C-47B-1-DL on Mt. Hei Cho: 17 killed.” Accessed 11-11-2023 at:
