1946 — June 9, USAAF C-54 hits terrain 500ft below approach altitude, Taboga Isl., Panama–23

Latest edit 11-7-2023 by Wayne Blanchard for upload to: http://www.usdeadlyevents.com/

–23  Baugher. 1943 USAAF Serial Numbers (43-5109 to 43-52437). 11-7-2011 revision.

–23  Gero, David. Military Aviation Disasters: Significant Losses Since 1908. 1999, p. 40. 

–23  Planecrashinfo.com.  Accident Details…U.S. Army Air Force DC-4. Tobago Isl. Panama.

Narrative Information


Baugher: “Douglas C-54D-15-DO Skymaster….17231 struck high ground Tobago Island, Panama Jun 9, 1946.  23 killed.”  (Baugher. 1943 USAAF Serial Numbers (43-5109 to 43-52437). 11-7-2011.)



“Date:              9 June 1946 (c.10:30)

“Location:       Taboga Island, Panama

“Operator:       US Army Air Forces

“Aircraft type: Douglas C-54D (43-17231)


“The four-engine transport crashed and exploded about 10 miles (15km) south of Albrook Field, located in the Canal Zone, near Balboa, where it was to have landed at the end of a flight from the US mainland. All 23 American service personnel aboard perished; except for one civilian passenger,  the victims were American service personnel including the crew of six.


“Executing a radio range instrument let-down procedure, the aircraft had been advised to remain above 1,000 ft (300m). The subsequent crash occurred about 50ft (15m) below that height near the summit of the island, after the crew reported being an estimated 5 miles (10km) south of the airfield. The local weath4r at the time consisted of a low overcast, with the clouds covering the top quarter of the island, and a visibility of about 300ft (100m) in a light drizzle. Significantly, no airway traffic control system existed in the area at the time to handle instrument flight operations.”




Baugher, Joseph F.  1943 USAAF Serial Numbers (43-5109 to 43-52437). Nov 7, 2011 revision. Accessed 12-18-2011 at:  http://www.joebaugher.com/usaf_serials/1943_2.html


Gero, David. Military Aviation Disasters: Significant Losses Since 1908. UK and Newbury Park, CA: Patrick Stephens Limited, an imprint of Hayes Publishing, 1999. 


Planecrashinfo.com. “1946…Accident Details…U.S. Army Air Force DC-4. Tobago Isl. Panama.” Accessed at:  http://www.planecrashinfo.com/1946/1946-25.htm