1947 — July 29, Butane gas explos./fire, Pauline’s Beauty School, Harrisonburg, VA– 11

— 11 National Fire Protection Assoc. Spreadsheet on Large Loss of Life Fires (as of Feb 2003).
— 11 The Bee, Danville, VA. “Harrisonburg Blast Caused by Butane Gas.” 8-8-1947, p. 7.
— 10 The Bee, Danville, VA. “Harrisonburg Blast Kills Ten.” 7-30-1947, p. 1.
— 10 The Bee, Danville, VA. “To Launch Harrisonburg Blast Probe.” 7-31-1947, p. 5.


July 29, United Press: “Harrisonburg, Va. – (UP) – A terrific explosion rocked this city today. It reportedly demolished a beauty parlor, a jewelry store, and an auto store. Several persons were reported killed and injured. An emergency hospital was set up at the scene.” (Waukesha Daily Freeman, WI. “Several Die in Blast.” 7-29-1947, p. 1.)

July 30, Associated Press: “Harrisonburg, Va., July 30. – (AP) – Mayor Bernard T. Denton launched an investigation today into the cause of an explosion in a combination beauty shop and school yesterday that killed ten women and injured 30 other persons, wrecked the one-story structure and shattered glass windows in buildings in the area.

“Rescue workers completed the task of searching through the wreckage at 11 o’clock last night and officials said today that no further probe of the debris for bodies or injured was planned.

“Nineteen persons remained in Rockingham County Memorial Hospital today and attendants reported their conditions “about the same.” Three of these were described as critically injured.

“Mayor Denton said he did not know how long it would take to complete the investigation, in which he will seek to establish the cause of the explosion and the necessary steps to prevent any similar accidents in the future.

“Witnesses will be heard at the explosion scene, and the hearing later will be moved to the city council chambers, Denton said. A representative from the state fire marshal’s office is expected here, he added, to participate in the investigation.

“Five of the women apparently were killed outright, three were dead on arrival at the hospital and two died after being admitted to the hospital. All were residents of Harrisonburg or nearby towns.

“Miss Dorothy Gail Bowman of Mount Jackson, getting a permanent wave as a 20th birthday present from her parents when the explosion occurred, and Miss Bonnie Catherine Sites, 16, of Keezeltown, a student at the beauty school, died at the hospital.

“The blast was felt as far away as four miles. Stained glass windows in a nearby Methodist Church were blown out as were those in several homes and business establishments. Chief of Police Julius F. Ritchie said he looked out of his window and saw heavy black smoke all over the business area of this Shenandoah Valley town of 10,000 persons.

“Two brothers – John and C. W. O’Neill – were working on opposite sides of the building as plumber and painter. ‘I had just left a building and turned in time to see the roof rise in the air and settle back down again,’ said C. W. O’Neill. ‘A pall of yellow smoke rose from the building.’ John O’Neill, who was painting a wall of a residence said he heard three explosions, two small ones and hen a terrific blast. The walls began to cave and he saw through the broken wall two bodies hurled through the air.

“The cause of the explosion was undetermined. An early theory that a boiler had exploded was discounted last night. Coal was being unloaded into the basement at the time of the explosion, 2 p. m., yesterday., and rescue workers said they distinctly smelled gas in the debris.

“Nineteen of the thirty persons injured remained in the hospital for treatment. One was termed critically hurt while the injuries of six others were considered serious. Six of the nineteen were men, three of these negroes.

“One witness said the beauty shop, known as Pauline’s Beauty College, ‘looked like a bomb hit it.’ Serious damage was also done to Rhodes Jewelry Store, next door, and silver and jewelry were scattered into the street. The wall of a building on the other side of the jewelry store, which was being renovated, was also damaged by the terrific force of the blast. Some of the injured were in the jewelry shop and at least one was a workman in the next building.

“A crowd of 2,000 people swarmed to the shop area on Main street, many fearful that relatives had been caught in the explosion. Streets for blocks around were hurriedly roped off by firemen and policemen to keep the crowd from interfering with rescue efforts. Blood plasma was rushed from Richmond by aeroplane an calls were sent out for doctors, nurses and ambulances….

“Only a small fire followed the blast and this was quickly put out by the fire department before it could gain headway. Both dead and injured, however, showed signs of having been burned, apparently by whatever gas caused the explosion.

“Two women in the beauty shop were blown through the roof.

“Mrs. Pauline Kline-Sullivan, owner of the beauty shop, escaped injury by leaving the business shortly before the explosion….

“Twenty-one women were in the beauty shop and school when the explosion occurred – six customers, four operators, one instructor and ten students. All were either killed or injured.” (The Bee, Danville, VA. “Harrisonburg Blast Kills Ten.” 7-30-1947, pp. 1 & 7.)

July 31: “Harrisonburg, Va., July 31. – (AP) – That a “thorough investigation” of Tuesday’s disastrous explosion here would be launched today has been indicated by Mayor Bernard T. Denton. Demon said study of the cause of the blast that killed 10 and injured 30, several critically, would begin as soon as representatives of the state fire marshal’s office and the Underwriter’s Association arrive. He indicated they were expected today. “We are going to make a thorough investigation of the cause of the explosion from several standpoints, one of which is that we want to determine the cause so that similar catastrophes can be averted in the future,” the mayor said….

“Of the 10 women killed all but four were students at the beauty school. Another was a teacher and the others patrons…. Five of the 19 injured who remained in Rockingham Memorial Hospital overnight were released yesterday. Several of those still hospitalized were reported in critical condition.” (The Bee, Danville. “To Launch Harrisonburg Blast Probe.” 7-31-1947, p. 5.)

Aug 8: “Harrisonburg, Va., Aug. 8. – (AP) – Two engineers of the United States Bureau of Mines have agreed that the cause of the July 29 beauty shop explosion that killed 11 and injured 10 others here was an accumulation of butane gas in the building’s basement that was touched off when a coal handler struck a match to light a cigarette. The two engineers are Hylton R. Brown and C. W. Owings. Who conducted an investigation of the blast at the request of Senator Harry F. Byrd. Brown and Owings trade their report of their findings to the Harrisonburg City Council Tuesday night.

“The report revealed that several holes were detected in the gas pipe which carried gas to a water
heater in Pauline’s Beauty Shop, housed in a one-story brick and concrete structure which was demolished in the explosion.

“A periodical inspection of the gas system here and other safety measures were recommended in
the report by Brown and Owings. The engineers also recommended the installation of cut-off valves and an increase in the amount of maloderant in the gas so that escaping gas can be detected more readily. Brown is directing a survey of the gas system by city officials and gas company workers.

“A report of the explosion investigation by the state fire marshal’s office will be submitted at next Tuesday night’s meeting of the Harrisonburg City Council.” (The Bee, Danville, VA. “Harrisonburg Blast Caused by Butane Gas.” 8-8-1947, p. 7.)
