1948 — July 30, TCI Co., Edgewater Coal Mine Gas Explosion, near Birmingham, AL–   11

Compiled by Wayne Blanchard Sep 23, 2023 for upload to: http://www.usdeadlyevents.com/

–11  AP. “Mine Blast Death Toll Goes to Eleven.” The Decatur Daily, AL. 8-2-1948, p. 8.

–11  National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, CDC.  Mine Disasters.

–11  U.S. Dept. of Interior, Bureau of Mines. Final Report…Mine Explosion Edgewater Mine…

            –6  Directly by the explosion

            –5  In hospital from burn injuries

Narrative Information

July 30, AP: “Birmingham, July 30. (AP) – One man was killed, another was believed dead and 13 others were injured today in a gas explosion at Tennessee Coal, Iron and Railroad Co.’s big Edgewater coal mine. A company spokesman at the scene said an additional dozen men were believed trapped by the blast. He said reports of a second man being killed had not yet been confirmed. The dead man was identified as William Gregg, 38, Negro, father of three children. The spokesman said no word had been received from the men reported trapped at noon….

“The explosion was believed to have occurred at the junction of an old shaft with a new shaft being driven at the mine. At least four of the injured were listed as employes of a construction company at work on the new shaft. The force of the blast shattered machinery and wiring around the entrance of a new air shaft being drilled into the mine….” (Associated Press. “One Dead, 13 Hurt in Birmingham Mine Blast. Company Spokesman Says An Additional Dozen Man Believed Trapped By Explosion at TCI’s Big Edgewater Operation.” The Anniston Star, AL, 7-30-1948, p. 1.)

July 31, AP: “Birmingham, July 31 – (AP) – The eighth victim of a gas explosion in the big Edgewater coal mine died today. Eleven others were injured, three critically. Rescue crews brought out five bodies last night after fighting their way through debris to the blast scene about four miles from the mine entrance and 300 feet underground. They continued probing through the wreckage until the last of the 300 men at work when the explosion occurred yesterday had been accounted for. One body was brought to the surface about noon yesterday; another man died later in a hospital. The eighth man, W. J. Hartley, 41, succumbed today. The dead included Simen Pentz, 61, assistant mine foreman, and John Starnes, 62, a ventilation inspector.

“A company spokesman said a pocket of gas apparently was set off near the junction of a new ventilation shaft with an old area-way. Cause of the explosion was not determined.

“About 50 men were working in the vicinity. Most escaped through an air shaft and others, trapped by gas, were brought to safety by rescue workers.

“The Big Tennessee Coal, Iron & Railroad Co., mine is located nine miles west of Birmingham. It employs about 1,000 on all shifts.

“William Mitch, United Mine Workers district president, issued a statement saying, ‘copies of the last state and federal inspections of the Edgewater mine were received at my office and indicated the mine was being safely operated.’

“Three other T.C.I. mines were closed down today when crews failed to report. Curtailed operations also were reported at two other company shafts. U.M.W. and company spokesmen said such a curtailment normally followed a mine  disaster.” (Associated Press. “Eighth Victim of Blast Dies.” The Decatur Daily, AL. 8-1-1948, p. 14.)

Aug 2, AP: “Birmingham, Ala., Aug. 2 – (AP) – The death toll from Friday’s Edgewater mine blast stood at 11 today. Eight injured miners remained in hospitals. One was listed in ‘poor condition.’ Audrey E. Romaine, 20-year-old Nauvoo miner, died yesterday from injuries received when a gas explosion ripped through the Tennessee Coal, Iron and Railroad Co. mine. The seven others injured in the blast were reported in fain condition. The explosion occurred approximately four miles from the mine entrance and about 300 feet underground….” (Associated Press. “Mine Blast Death Toll Goes to Eleven.” The Decatur Daily, AL. 8-2-1948, p. 8.)


Associated Press. “Eighth Victim of Blast Dies.” The Decatur Daily, AL. 8-1-1948, p. 14. Accessed 9-23-2023 at: https://newspaperarchive.com/decatur-daily-aug-01-1948-p-14/

Associated Press. “Mine Blast Death Toll Goes to Eleven.” The Decatur Daily, AL. 8-2-1948, p. 8. Accessed 9-23-2023 at: https://newspaperarchive.com/decatur-daily-aug-02-1948-p-8/

Associated Press. “One Dead, 13 Hurt in Birmingham Mine Blast. Company Spokesman Says An Additional Dozen Man Believed Trapped By Explosion at TCI’s Big Edgewater Operation.” The Anniston Star, AL, 7-30-1948, p. 1. Accessed 9-23-2023 at: https://newspaperarchive.com/anniston-star-jul-30-1948-p-1/

National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, Mining Safety and Health Research..  Mining Disasters (Incidents with 5 or more Fatalities). NIOSH, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2-26-2013 update. Accessed at: http://www.cdc.gov/niosh/mining/statistics/disall.htm

and http://www.cdc.gov/niosh/mining/statistics/content/allminingdisasters.html

United States Department of the Interior, Bureau of Mines. Final Report of the Mine Explosion Edgewater Mine; Tennessee Coal, Iron and Railroad Company, R.F.D. 14, Birmingham, Jefferson County, Alabama. Birmingham, AL Bureau of Mines Office, July 30, 1948. Accessed 9-23-2023 at: https://usminedisasters.miningquiz.com/saxsewell/edgewater_1948.pdf


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