1950 — Dec 18, Tug Sachem Sinks (all aboard drown), Lake Erie, off Dunkirk NY — 12

–12 Alchem Incorporated. Lake Erie Shipwreck Map “D” and Index.
–12 Middletown Journal, OH. “12 Men Aboard Missing Boat.” 12-19-1950, p. 19, col. 2.
–12 Swayze. Shipwreck!…Directory of…Shipwrecks on the Great Lakes. 1992, p. 206.
–12 Washington Evening Star, DC. “Missing Tug Now Believed Sunk…” 12-24-1950, p. 17.
–11 Sandusky Register-Star-News, OH. “Snow Hides Fate of Lake Tugboat.”12-20-1959, p. 10.

Narrative Information

Alchem Incorporated: “Sachem: Steel propeller tug of 72 ft sank due to unknown causes on 12/18/1950 off Dunkirk, New York. The entire crew of twelve died in the wreck. The vessel was later raised and was found to be completely intact.” (Alchem Incorporated. Lake Erie Shipwreck Map “D” and Index.)

Swayze: “Sachem. Steel tug of 100 t. [tons] and 71 ft. launched in 1907 at Buffalo as the tug John Kelderhouse. Lake Erie: The reason for the loss of the sturdy tug Sachem has never been determined with certainty. On December 18, 1950, the tug sank in fair weather some miles off Dunkirk, New York. Not one of the 12 sailors aboard lived to explain why she went down, but when she was recovered the following year, she was still in nearly perfect condition. The tug was reconditioned and was still in service, working out of Cleveland, in 1990.” (Swayze. Shipwreck!…Directory of…Shipwrecks on the Great Lakes. 1992, p. 206.)


Dec 19: “Buffalo, N.Y. (AP) – The missing tugboat Sachem, with 12 men aboard, was the object of a spreading search today on Lake Erie between here and Erie, PA. Additional planes and surface craft were to join into the search this morning. The Coast Guard said the Sachem had been unreported since leaving here yesterday morning for Dunkirk, 45 land miles to the southwest.

“The 80-foot tug is owned by the Dunbar and Sullivan Dredging Company of Buffalo. Capt. Heck Church, master of the Sachem, and Capt. Laverne Graff, a visiting tugmaster, were listed by the Coast Guard among those aboard.” (Middletown Journal, OH. “12 Men Aboard Missing Boat.” 12-19-1950, p. 19, col. 2.)

Dec 20: “Cleveland, Dec. 20 (UP) – Snow-swept Lake Erie still hid today the fate of the 80-foot tug Sachem, missing since early Monday with 11 men aboard. Planes from Traverse City, Mich., and Coast Guard ships, hampered by low visibility caused by falling snow yesterday, gave up their search at dark last night but were to resume it again today. The Sachem…has not been heard from since it left Buffalo at 7 a.m. Monday….The tug has no transmitter, only a radio receiver. Crewmen included Daniel Ryan, Port Clinton.” (Sandusky Register-Star-News, OH. “Snow Hides Fate of Lake Tugboat.”12-20-1959, p. 10.)


Alchem Incorporated. Lake Erie Shipwreck Map “D” and Index. Accessed 1-10-2021 at: http://www.alcheminc.com/east.html

Middletown Journal, OH. “12 Men Aboard Missing Boat.” 12-19-1950, p. 19, col. 2. Accessed 1-10-2021 at: https://newspaperarchive.com/middletown-journal-dec-19-1950-p-19/

Sandusky Register-Star-News, OH. “Snow Hides Fate of Lake Tugboat.”12-20-1959, p. 10, col. 6. Accessed 1-10-2021 at: https://newspaperarchive.com/sandusky-register-star-news-dec-20-1950-p-10/

Swayze, David D. Shipwreck! A Comprehensive Directory of Over 3,700 Shipwrecks on the Great Lakes. Boyne City, MI: Harbor House Publications, Inc., 1992.

Washington Evening Star, DC. “Missing Tug Now Believed Sunk…” 12-24-1950, p. 17, col. 1. Accessed 1-10-2021 at: https://newspaperarchive.com/washington-evening-star-dec-24-1950-p-17/