1952 — Apr 14, USN P2V patrol bomber engine trouble/crash, Brunswick NAS, ME — 5

— 5 Newport Daily News, RI. “Navy Plane Crashes at Brunswick, Maine.” 4-14-1952, p. 1.

Narrative Information

April 14, AP: “Brunswick, Me., April 14 (AP) – A Navy patrol plane with 10 men on board crashed and burned today near the edge of Brunswick Naval Air Station. Rescue force reported they found five men alive, but injured. Commander J. D. Ifft, station executive officer, said the two engined Ventura P2V aircraft crashed amid trees beyond a new runway when an engine gave trouble on a landing attempt. The plane was returning from a training flight in what Ifft called instrument flying conditions. Ifft said all the crew were still in the plane when a crash detail reached the scene to extricate survivors. Two of the injured were taken to the base infirmary in critical condition. Ifft said the conditions of the others were “pretty good.”

“The crippled plane managed to make one pass at a runway but came in to one side and went around for a second attempt to land. It was below the overcast and making a ground control approach. One engine was out, Ifft said and in the approach to the field something else went wrong.” (Newport Daily News, RI. “Navy Plane Crashes at Brunswick, Maine; Five Killed, Five Hurt.” 4-14-1952, p. 1.)

Newport Daily News, RI. “Navy Plane Crashes at Brunswick, Maine; Five Killed, Five Hurt.” 4-14-1952, p. 1. http://newspaperarchive.com/fullpagepdfviewer?img=5903800&sterm=brunswick