1952 — Aug 8, USN PBM Mariner seaplane crash, hilltop ~Nagahama, Ehime, Japan–all 13

–13 Aviation Safety Network. USN PBM Mariner crash near Nagahama Japan, 8 Aug 1952.
–13 UP. “Navy Patrol Planes Crash in Far East.” Daily Telegram, Eau Claire, WI. 8-9-1952, p3.

Narrative Information

Aviation Safety Network:
“Date: 08-Aug-1952
“Time: morning
“Type: Martin PBM-5S2 Mariner
“Owner/operator: United States Navy (USN)
“Registration: 84782
“Fatalities: Fatalities: 13 / Occupants: 13
“Other fatalities: 0
“Location: Shikoku island – Japan
“Nature: Military
“Departure airport: [Not noted.]
“Destination airport: [Not noted.]
“Confidence Rating: Information is only available from news, social media or unofficial sources
“Narrative: Collided with top of hill near Nagahama.”

Aug 8: “Tokyo – All 10 members of the crew were killed today when a U.S. Navy seaplane crashed on the Japanese island of Shikoku. The tragedy occurred in darkness just before dawn. The plane, a big Martin Mariner, was on a routine night training flight, a Navy spokesman in Tokyo said.” (Bristol Courier, PA. “Latest News Bulletins….10 Crewmen Killed in Seaplane Crash.” 8-8-1952, p. 1.)

Aug 8, UP: “Tokyo, Aug. 8 (Friday) – (UP) – A United States Navy flying oat crashed and burned on a Japanese mountainside early today, killing 10 crew members, Kyodo News Agency reported. Kyodo said the plane crashed in the mountains of Shikoku, Japan’s fourth larges island, near Yarnoto village in Ehime Prefecture. The Japanese news agency said 10 crewmen burned with the plane.

“A U.S. Navy spokesman here said an air-sea rescue plan spotted the wreckage of the Martin Patrol Bomber (PBM) this morning and confirmed that it was the missing plane which left Iwakuni Air Base, Southwest Honshu, at 1:55 a.m. today (9:55 a.m. PDT), Thursday. The spokesman said he had received no further details from the rescue team and was unable to confirm whether all 10 crewmen died in the crash.” (United Press. “Navy Plane Crash Kills 10 in Japan.” Long Beach Independent, CA. 8-8-1952, p. 2.)

Aug 9, UP: “Tokyo (UP) – One Navy seaplane crashed in Japan Friday with a loss of 13 lives and another, missing for more than 30 hours with 12 aboard, was sought by U.S. Navy and Air Force planes off the Philippine Islands….An air-sea rescue team found the wreckage of a PBM that crashed on the coast of Shikoku Island, Japan, while on a routine patrol flight. The plane was last heard from at 5:40 a.m. and the crash apparently took place a few minutes later. The search party reported there were no survivors of the 13 men aboard the plane….” (United Press. “Navy Patrol Planes Crash in Far East.” The Daily Telegram, Eau Claire, WI. 8-9-1952, p. 3.)


Aviation Safety Network, Flight Safety Foundation, Database. USN PBM Mariner crash near Nagahama Japan, 8 Aug 1952. Accessed 6-29-2023 at:

Bristol Courier, PA. “Latest News Bulletins….10 Crewmen Killed in Seaplane Crash.” 8-8-1952, p. 1. Accessed 6-29-2023 at: https://newspaperarchive.com/bristol-courier-aug-08-1952-p-1/

United Press. “Navy Patrol Planes Crash in Far East.” The Daily Telegram, Eau Claire, WI. 8-9-1952, p. 3. Accessed 6-29-2023 at: https://newspaperarchive.com/daily-telegram-aug-09-1952-p-3/

United Press. “Navy Plane Crash Kills 10 in Japan.” Long Beach Independent, CA. 8-8-1952, p. 2. Accessed 6-29-2023 at: https://newspaperarchive.com/independent-long-beach-aug-08-1952-p-2/