1953 – Influenza, esp. TX/716 OH/532 MO/484 PA/460 GA/427 TN/414 AL/393 NC/351–9,500

–9,500 Blanchard tally – including territories of Alaska and Hawaii.
–9,460 States & DC. US PHS Vital Statistics of the US 1953: Vol. II – Mortality Statistics, 372.
— 36 AK. US PHS Vital Statistics of the US 1953: Vol. I. …Tables for Alaska, Hawaii…, p. 32.
— 4 HI. US PHS Vital Statistics of the US 1953: Vol. I. …Tables for Alaska, Hawaii…, p. 36.

–393 Alabama 7th highest loss — 52 Montana Yellow highlighting denotes
— 36 Alaska –119 Nebraska top ten loss of life States.
— 45 Arizona — 8 Nevada
–244 Arkansas — 15 New Hampshire
–189 California — 50 New Jersey
–106 Colorado — 71 New Mexico
— 20 Connecticut –242 New York
— 10 Delaware –351 North Carolina 8th highest loss of life.
— 16 District of Columbia — 50 North Dakota
–236 Florida –532 Ohio 2nd highest loss of life.
–427 Georgia 5th highest loss –248 Oklahoma
— 4 Hawaii — 45 Oregon
— 45 Idaho –460 Pennsylvania 4th highest loss of life.
–283 Illinois — 4 Rhode Island
–310 Indiana –275 South Carolina
–265 Iowa — 48 South Dakota
–235 Kansas –414 Tennessee 6th highest loss of life.
–349 Kentucky 9th highest loss –716 Texas Highest loss of life.
–261 Louisiana — 19 Utah
— 42 Maine — 10 Vermont
— 78 Maryland –311 Virginia
— 46 Massachusetts — 73 Washington
–242 Michigan –218 West Virginia
–208 Minnesota –199 Wisconsin
–342 Mississippi 10th highest loss — 25 Wyoming
–484 Missouri 3rd highest loss

Public Health Service. U.S. Dept. of Health, Education, and Welfare. Vital Statistics of the US 1953: Vol. I. Introduction and Summary Tables for Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, and Virgin Islands. Marriage, Divorce, Natality, Fetal Mortality and Infant Mortality Data. U.S. GPO, 1955. Accessed 5-31-2023 at: https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/data/vsus/vsus_1953_1.pdf

Public Health Service, U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare. Vital Statistics of the United States 1953, Volume II, Mortality Data. Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1955. Accessed 5-31-2023 at: https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/data/vsus/VSUS_1953_2.pdf