1953 — March 20, Family of 10 killed in Truck and Car Collision, near Washington, NJ–10

–10 Bedford Daily Gazette, PA. “Driver Begins Trial for Accident…Killed 10…” 5-12-1953, 1.
–10 Bedford Daily Gazette, PA. “Trucker Pleads Guilty in 10-Death Wreck.” 5-13-1953, p. 1.
–10 Britannica Book of the Year, 1954.
–10 Chester Times, PA. “Truck Driver in Death of 10 Had Lost Driving Privileges.” 3-24-1953.
–10 Daily Courier, Connellsville, PA. “Family of 10 Killed in Crash of Auto…” 3-21-1953, 1.
–10 Gazette and Bulletin, Williamsport, PA. “Burial Set for Family of Ten…” 3-25-1953, 4.
–10 Lebanon Daily News, PA. “Trucker Faces Sentence for Crash That Killed 10.” 5-22-’53, 1.
–10 Lock Haven Express, PA. “Driver Fined $55 for Violation of Year Ago.” 3-31-1953, 11.
–10 Oakland Tribune, CA. “Ten…of Family Killed…Auto Crashes…Truck.” 3-21-1953, 3.
–10 Syracuse Herald-American. “Mass Funeral Arranged for 10 in Family.” 3-22-1953, 13.
–10 Titusville Herald, PA. “Truck Driver is Sentenced.” 5-23-1953, p. 1.
–10 UP. “$300,000 Suit Filed in Crash Fatal to Ten.” Lebanon Daily News, PA. 3-5-1954, p. 9.

Narrative Information

Britannica Book of the Year, 1954: “March 20. Near Washington, N.J. Ten members of one family were killed when their automobile crashed into truck.


March 21: “Washington, N.J., Mar. 21. – A head-on collision between an auto and a trailer-truck near here claimed the lives of 10 members of one family in what police described today as the worst accident of its kind in New Jersey history…..

“The driver of the trailer-truck and a passenger riding with him were not injured. The accident occurred Friday on Route 69 three miles north of here….

“The Matlocks, who lived at Silver Lake near Blairstown, N. J., were en route in their new auto to Washington on a shopping trip….

“Matlock, a dairy farmer, was driving the sedan when it collided head-on with a trailer-truck driven by John J. Scarantino, 21, of Scranton, Pa., police said.

“Scarantino told police a coal truck traveling ahead of him stopped suddenly and he pulled over to the left lane of the highway to avoid a rear-end collision. The impact literally split the Matlock sedan down the middle, scattering seven of the occupants on the highway. Three others were crushed in the wreckage. Raymond was the only one of the Matlocks who was not killed instantly. He was rushed to Warren Hospital at Phillipsburg, N.J., where he died six hours after the accident.

“Scarantino and Lawrence Butler, riding with him, were not injured. The driver was booked on a technical charge of causing death by automobile. Butler owned the truck, police said.” (Daily Courier, Connellsville, PA. “Family of 10 Killed in Crash of Auto…” 3-21-1953, p. 1.)

March 21: “Washington, N.J., March 21. – (AP) — A 32-year-old dairy farmer and nine members of his family, lost their lives in a head on highway crash last night as they were on their way to do the weekly shopping.

“Their 1953 sedan was crumpled in a collision with a trailer truck. Killed outright were Clarence
Matlock, who operated a 60-cow dairy farm in rural Silver Lake, N.J., his. Wife,. Alma; three daughters, Esther, 10, Joan, 5, and Rosemary, 2; a son; Clarence, Jr., 1, his mother, Elizabeth, 75, and his two sisters, Grace, 48, and Mary, 50. Another son, Raymond, the only member taken from the car alive, died in a hospital early this morning – on his eighth birthday.

“In Chicago, the National Safety Council said that, so far as it knew, ‘it was the greatest number of people ever to be killed as occupants of a single passenger automobile.’

“Two men in the truck escaped uninjured. They were the driver, John Scarantino of Scranton Pa., and the owner, Lawrence Butler of Dunmore, Pa.

“Scarantino was booked at State Police barracks here on a technical charge of causing death by auto. Butler told police his truck was following a coal truck on the highway when the coal truck
put on its brakes and pulled over to the right shoulder of the road.

“They saw a car coming straight at them, Butler said, and Scarantino pulled across the left lane onto the left shoulder to try to avoid the car. But the car also pulled for the same shoulder, Butler reported, and the vehicles collided.

“A short time later, Matlock’s brother, Raymond, also headed for Washington’s shopping center, came upon the wreck on the highway. He said the family always made a Friday night shopping trip to this community and this trip was a special occasion because it was the eve of young Raymond’s birthday.

“The two Matlock brothers and their mother operated three dairy farms near Silver Lake. Relatives said Mrs. Matlock is survived by 70 grandchildren.” (Oakland Tribune, CA. “Ten Members of Family Killed When Auto Crashes Into Truck.” 3-21-1953, 3.)

March 22: “Washington, N.J. (UP) — The bodies of 10 members of a single family lay side by side in a mortuary yesterday while relatives arranged for a mass funeral….

“At nearby Fort Mudray [probably Port Murray], N. J., the truck driver, John J. Scarantino, 21, of Scranton, Pa., was arraigned on a charge of causing death by automobile. Magistrate Roger Buechler ordered him held in default of $5,000 bail to await grand jury action. Lawrence Butler of Dunmore, Pa., owner of the truck and a passenger in it at the time of the collision, was freed in $1,000 bail as a material witness.

“The crash occurred about 6:30 P.M. Friday on Route 69 three miles north of here….” (Syracuse Herald-American. “Mass Funeral Arranged for 10 in Family.” 3-22-1953, p. 13.)

March 24: “Washington, N.J. (AP) – The truck driver Involved in an accident that killed a family of 10 will be arraigned today on a charge of operating a vehicle despite the fact that his New Jersey driving privileges had been revoked indefinitely.

“State police Lt. J. J. Harris said yesterday the truck driver, John Scarantino of Scranton, Pa., lost
his privileges to drive in this state last year when he failed to appear in magistrate’s court to answer a charge of passing on a curve. “It’s ironical,” said Harris, “that he is again involved in a similar violation.”….

“Scarantino, 21, was trying to pass another truck on a grade, near a curve, when the tragedy happened. Scarantino has been held in Warren County jail on a charge of causing death by motor vehicle. He is to be arraigned today on charges of driving in New Jersey while his name is on the .revoked list, and of failing to answer last year’s summons.

“A grand jury hearing is set for Friday on the death-by-motor-vehicle charge against Scarantino.

“New Jersey law provides that a person remain on the revoked list for as long as specified, or until the matter is cleared up, Harris said. In Scarantino’s case, the matter has not been cleaned up, and Pennsylvania authorities were notified at the time, Harris added.

“In Harrisburg, Pa., a state official acknowledged that the New Jersey notification had been received, but that Scarantino’s license was not revoked in that state. The Pennsylvania official, Arthur O. Burgoyne, deputy secretary of the State Revenue Department, said no action was taken against the license because no hearing was held in New Jersey, and because the New Jersey revocation was not for a specific time. According to Burgoyne, Scarantino had previous driving offenses in Pennsylvania. Records show, he said, that Scarantino passed a red light in Dunmore, Pa., last June, and paid a fine of $5 and costs.

“Scarantino’s previous traffic offense in New Jersey was on Feb. 6, 1952, near Roxbury in Morris County, police said. He was scheduled to appear Feb. 17, 1952, before Magistrate Thomas Venner at Succasunna.

“After Friday night’s accident, Scarantino had been held in lieu of $5,000 bail. Bail was cancelled late yesterday, because of his scheduled arraignment on the other charges, said Warren County Prosecutor John H. Pursell.” (Chester Times, PA. “Truck Driver in Death of 10 Had Lost Driving Privileges.” 3-24-1953, p. 11.)

March 25: “Washington, N.J. (AP) – Seven black hearses will lead a slow procession through this quiet country town today, carrying the bodies of 10 members of the Matlock family — all killed at once in a single car-truck collision. Matlock and his entire household — two sons, three daughters, wife, two sisters and his mother – were killed when their almost new car collided with a tractor-trailer truck on Route 69 last Friday night….

“The driver of the truck was John Scarantino…who state police say was trying to pass another truck on a curving down-grade when he smashed head-on into the Matlock car.

“It was discovered Monday that Scarantino’s New Jersey driving privileges had been revoked a year ago when he failed to answer a summons for an identical offense – passing another truck on a curve. However, Pennsylvania authorities did not notify Scarantino of the New Jersey action because no hearing had been held and no time limit was set on the suspension of his driving privileges.

“A scheduled arraignment did not take place yesterday since a survey showed that the accident happened in Washington rather than in Mansfield Township. The shift in jurisdictions, caused a delay of a week, and Scarantino is to be arraigned in Washington next Tuesday….Scarantino has been in Warren County jail since the accident.” (Gazette and Bulletin, Williamsport, PA. “Burial Set for Family of Ten Killed in Crash.” 3-25-1953, p. 4.)

March 31: “Roxbury, N.J., (AP) – John Scarantino, driver of the truck involved in a crash that wiped out a family of 10, was fined $55 for a traffic violation here more than a year ago. Magistrate Thomas Venner fined the 21-year-old truck driver from Scranton, Pa., $50 plus $5 costs for passing another vehicle on a curve Feb. 6,1952 near this Morris County community.

“Ten days ago, Scarantino’s truck and a car collided headon in Washington, Warren County, killing dairy farmer Clarence Matlock and nine members of his family.

“Scarantino is free in $5,400 bail awaiting action on 10 separate charges of causing death by motor vehicle and of reckless driving and driving in New Jersey illegally.” (Lock Haven Express, PA. “Driver Fined $55 for Violation of Year Ago.” 3-31-1953, p. 11.)

May 11: “Belvidere, N.J., May 11 (AP) — Selection of a Warren County jury began late today in the trial of John Scarantino, 21, of Scranton, Pa., driver of a truck involved in the deaths of 10 members of the Clarence Matlock family.

“Start of the trial before Superior Court Judge Joseph L. Smith was delayed during the morning by arguments of defense counsel over the wording of the indictment on which Scarantino is held.
Scarantino had been indicted on charges of the deaths of all 10 of the family, as well, as on the specific death of Esther Matlock. The latter count is the one which was thrown out.

“The farm household family was wiped out on the night of March 20 Washington Township while on a two-lane rural highway in weekly shopping trip.” (Bedford Daily Gazette, PA. “Driver Begins Trial for Accident Which Killed 10 in Family.” 5-12-1953, p. 1.)

May 12: “Belvidere, N.J., May 12 (AP) – John Scarantino, the Scranton truck driver involved in an accident that killed that killed 10 members of one family, today pleaded guilty to causing death by auto. Superior Court Judge Joseph L. Smith set May 22 for sentencing. Judge Smith emphasized that no commitments on the sentence had been made by the court or the state in return for the guilty plea, which eliminates the need of a trial….” (Bedford Daily Gazette, PA. “Trucker Pleads Guilty in 10-Death Wreck.” 5-13-1953, p. 1.)

May 22: “Belvidere, N.J. (UP) – John Scarantino, 21, Scranton, Pa., was to be sentenced today for causing the deaths of 10 members of one family in an automobile-truck collision March 20.

“Scarantino interrupted the selection of a jury for his trial May 13 to plead guilty to a one-count manslaughter indictment. The deaths were consolidated under one count since they were considered caused by the same action.

“The Pennsylvania truck driver faced a maximum sentence of three years in jail and a $1,000 fine from Superior Court Judge Joseph L. Smith….” (Lebanon Daily News, PA. “Trucker Faces Sentence for Crash That Killed 10.” 5-22-1953, p. 1.)

May 22: “Belvidere, N.J., May 22 (AP) – John Scarantino, 21-year-old Scranton, Pa., truck driver, today was sentenced to two to three years in prison for the auto deaths of 10 members of a farm family in a single crash….

“Superior Court Judge Joseph L. Smith made no comment in the sentencing. Scarantino told the court he was sorry about the deaths but said he thought he used proper judgment in the operation of the truck….” (Titusville Herald, PA. “Truck Driver is Sentenced.” 5-23-1953, p. 1.)

March 4, 1954: “Belvidere, N.J. (UP) – A $300,000 damage suit was on file in Superior Court today against two Scranton, Pa., men in connection with an auto-truck collision that claimed the lives of 10 members of one family. The suit named as defendants, John Scarantino, 22, driver of the tractor-trailer involved in the crash, and Lawrence Butler, 30 owner of the vehicle. The accident, one of the worst in the nation’s history, killed 10 members of the Clarence Matlock family of Hope Township.

“The suit was filed by Leonard Van Camp of Blairstown Thursday. He is administrator of the estates of his daughter, Mrs. Alma B. Matlock; his grandson, Raymond Matlock, and Miss Grace Matlock, Clarence’s sister.

“Scarantino is serving a two-to-three year term in the Bordentown Reformatory after pleading guilty to a grand jury indictment on a charge of causing death by automobile.” (United Press. “$300,000 Suit Filed in Crash Fatal to Ten.” Lebanon Daily News, PA. 3-5-1954, p. 9.)


Bedford Daily Gazette, PA. “Driver Begins Trial for Accident Which Killed 10 in Family.” 5-12-1953, 1. At: http://www.newspaperarchive.com/FullPagePdfViewer.aspx?img=136402424

Bedford Daily Gazette, PA. “Trucker Pleads Guilty in 10-Death Wreck.” 5-13-1953, p. 1. Accessed at: http://newspaperarchive.com

Britannica Book of the Year, 1954. Accessed 5-21-2023 at: https://books.google.com/books?lr=&id=09MDt8I0UHUC&dq=editions%3ALCCN38012082&focus=searchwithinvolume&q=washington%2C+nj

Chester Times, PA. “Truck Driver in Death of 10 Had Lost Driving Privileges.” 3-24-1953, 11. Accessed at: http://www.newspaperarchive.com/FullPagePdfViewer.aspx?img=144734300

Daily Courier, Connellsville, PA. “Family of 10 Killed in Crash of Auto, Truck in New Jersey.” 3-21-1953, 1. At: http://www.newspaperarchive.com/FullPagePdfViewer.aspx?img=33231902

Gazette and Bulletin, Williamsport, PA. “Burial Set for Family of Ten Killed in Crash.” 3-25-1953, p. 4. At: http://www.newspaperarchive.com/FullPagePdfViewer.aspx?img=14703863

United Press. “$300,000 Suit Filed in Crash Fatal to Ten.” Lebanon Daily News, PA. 3-5-1954, p. 9. Accessed 5-21-2023 at: https://newspaperarchive.com/lebanon-daily-news-mar-05-1954-p-9/

Lebanon Daily News, PA. “Trucker Faces Sentence for Crash That Killed 10.” 5-22-1953, 1. Accessed at: http://www.newspaperarchive.com/FullPagePdfViewer.aspx?img=103111198

Lock Haven Express, PA. “Driver Fined $55 for Violation of Year Ago.” 3-31-1953, 11. Accessed at: http://www.newspaperarchive.com/FullPagePdfViewer.aspx?img=156241924

Oakland Tribune, CA. “Ten Members of Family Killed When Auto Crashes Into Truck.” 3-21-1953, 3. At: http://www.newspaperarchive.com/FullPagePdfViewer.aspx?img=35072893

Syracuse Herald-American, NY. “Mass Funeral Arranged for 10 in Family.” 3-22-1953, p. 13. Accessed at: http://www.newspaperarchive.com/FullPagePdfViewer.aspx?img=22784956

Titusville Herald, PA. “Truck Driver is Sentenced.” 5-23-1953, p. 1. Accessed at: http://www.newspaperarchive.com/FullPagePdfViewer.aspx?img=104694327