1953 — Polio, esp. CA/158, NY/119, MI/106, IL/104, OH/95, MN/90, FL/68, TX/57            –1,450 

–1,450  USPHS Vital Statistics of the United States 1953, Vol. II, Mortality Data. 1955, p. 18.

—  25  AL  USPHS Vital Statistics of the United States 1953, Vol. II, Mortality Data. 1955, p. 96.

—  21  AZ        “          p. 97.

—  21  AR        “          p. 97.

–158  CA        “          p. 97.

—    5  CO        “

—  16  CT        “          p. 104.

—    3  DE        “

—  68  FL         “          p. 105.

—    9  GA        “

—    5  ID         “

–104  IL          “          p. 112.

—  29  IN         “          p. 112.

—  25  IA         “          p. 113.

—  18  KS        “          p. 113.

—  30  KY        “          p. 113.

—    7  LA        “

—  11  ME       “          p. 120.

—  25  MD       “          p. 120.

—  25  MA       “          p. 121.

–106  MI         “          p. 121.             —  53  PA        “          p. 144.

—  90  MN       “          p. 121.             —  16  RI          “          p. 145.

—  10  MS        “          p. 121.             —  11  SC         “          p. 145.

—  27  MO       “          p. 128.             —    7  SD        “

—  14  MT       “          p. 128.             —  19  TN        “          p. 145.

—  10  NE        “          p. 129.             —  57  TX        “          p. 152.

—    4  NV        “                                  —  12  UT        “          p. 152.

—    5  NH        “                                  —    6  VT        “

—  38  NJ         “          p. 129.             —  34  VA        “          p. 153.

—    7  NM       “                                  —  17  WA       “          p. 153.

–119  NY        “          p. 136.             —  21  WV       “          p. 153.

—  34  NC        “          p. 137.             —  22  WI        “          p. 160.

—    8  ND        “                                  —    3  WY       “

—  95  OH        “          p. 137.

—  15  OK        “          p. 137.

—    5  OR        “


Age at Time of Death in Years (pp. 54-55)


Under 1  1    2    3    4   5-9  10-14  15-19  20-24  25-29  30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 Over 55


52      50  51  45  51  252   189     126     119     195     149       89       38      15      12        17


Newspaper Sampling


Aug 20: “Washington – (UP) – The public health service today reported 1,997 new cases of poliomyelitis last week but said 1953 apparently will be a lighter year for the dread disease than 1952. The new polio cases, for the week ending Aug. 15, raised the nation’s total thus far in 1953 to 13,728.  In the corresponding portion of 1952, there were 16,329 cases, the health service said, adding:


“Because of the fact that very few states are showing consistent increases from week to week, it is probable that the peak will be reached earlier this year than last.  Only Illinois, Minnesota and California have shown a consistent increase in the number of cases reported over the past six weeks and of these only California is reporting more cases this year than last.”


“The 1,997 new cases reported in the week of Aug. 8, 1953, compared with 1,871 in the prior week and 3,105 in the comparable week a year ago.


“The health service said there were 39 polio deaths last week including eight in California, six each in Minnesota and Illinois, five in Ohio, four in Michigan and three in Kentucky. These states reported one: New York, Indiana, Florida, Arkansas, Montana, Washington and Oregon.”  (Tucson Daily Citizen, AZ. “Polio Shows Decline.” 8-20-1953, 6.)


Sep 4: “Washington (UP) – The Public Health Service said today 2,217 new cases of polio were reported in the United States last week. The new report continued a trend, first evident several weeks ago, toward a less severe polio year than 1952. Twenty nine polio deaths were reported last week including seven in California, and one each in Washington and Oregon. Four of the California deaths were in Los Angeles.” (Yuma Daily Sun, AZ. “New Polio Cases Show Decrease.” 9-4-1953, 1.)




United States Public Health Service, Department of Health, Education, and Welfare. Vital Statistics of the United States 1953, Vol. II, Mortality Data. Washington, GPO, 1955. Accessed at:  http://ftp.cdc.gov/pub/health_statistics/NCHS/Publications/DVD/DVD_1/VSUS_1890-1974/1890-1974/1953_VSUS_2.pdf